w/ Zaid Jilani, former reporter at The Intercept and current substacker (inquiremore.com)
Kmele, missing in a mudslide?
Zaid, the most left-wing staffer at the Center for American Progress
Cable news is horrible / Jeff Toobin slays white supremacy
School board chaos in Virginia
Creating wee lil' apparatchiks
Why do we care about the stupid VA governor's race?
Words don't mean anything anymore, part 322
We are all India-Pakistan now
The steady hand in DC is trembling
Dumb Republicans still have no economic program
Dear lord, she's wearing a vest!
The collapsing Biden economic agenda
Is Kyrsten Sinema a bad politician? Bad dresser? Bad bisexual?
Matt discovers his white privilege (and he likes it)
Recorded: 10/28/21
Posted: 10/28/21
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