This is totally unrelated to the episode, so sorry for that.

I was on the subway yesterday and got really excited when I saw someone out of the corner of my eye wearing a mask who looked a lot like Kmele.

Then I realized: It’s pretty unlikely Kmele would be wearing a mask nowadays.

Then I realized: Kmele wouldn’t be caught dead on mass transit.

Then I realized: It’s not Kmele and I just did a racism.

So that’s the story of how I didn’t meet Kmele on the subway.

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I thought I saw kmele on the corner once but then I was like, am I racist? Then the next show he said he was in my neighborhood over the weekend.

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I mistakenly think I see Kmele every time I look in the mirror because I have race blindness. Also because I drink a lot and after that tumble down the stairs in 2017, I find myself perpetually confused.

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What the everloving *fuck* is happening at 3:41? Was the episode recorded on an American Airlines flight?

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Sep 30, 2022·edited Sep 30, 2022Liked by Matt Welch

RE: Studio Ghibli - there's a studio in Ireland (that I work for) and we make hand-drawn movies too. Moynihan you and your daughter might enjoy the 'Oliver Cromwell werewolf movie' "Wolfwalkers" which we made for Apple TV+ and it stars Sean Bean - Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_Z_tybgPgg

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Hire Moynihan as a voice actor.

Make this happen, Joe.

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Oh my God yes.

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Do I have to pretend/admit he does a good Irish accent or no?

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Nah, he could play a drunk Masshole, or Shelby Foote.

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Wait, you work for the Song of the Sea people?!?

Fifdom is the best.

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Yep that’s us! We’re proud of that one too

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So beautiful, also the one about the illustrator monks?

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Yeah that was before I joined but that’s us. Secret of Kells that one is called

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Awesome output.

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Sep 30, 2022·edited Sep 30, 2022

Is the Oliver Cromwell bit a reference to the episode? Seems more like an Avatar type story. Looks great though, I'll be checking it out. Curious because I'm looking for some English Civil War reading.

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I’m also in the market for some English Civil War reading. Does anyone have the link to the TFC book reference list on hand?

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You all realize that this podcast is heading straight for an TFC Only Fans page, right? They are trying to ‘normalize’ this shit.

I can already hear Moynihan’s aggressive demands for money.

This is about to get dark.

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One man’s dark is another man’s only way he can get off after so many years of self-abuse. Yeah, I know it’s a mouthful.

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It's been established that the TFC Only Fans will be perineum tanning focusses. Coming in second quarter of 2023.

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I’m hearing, off the record, there’s a Balls Modeling contract in the works.

New TFC ad campaign:

‘Six-Nuts, Trip Butts!’

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Sep 30, 2022Liked by Matt Welch

Matt’s duck cooking metaphor. I’ll let it pass because his wonderful bride is French. Otherwise it’s the babbling of a madman. Which I also approve of.

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I agree. The whole metaphor smelled of canard.

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Sep 30, 2022·edited Sep 30, 2022

No, no, he didn't take the duck fat metaphor far enough. In the skillet of the Common Sense interview hosted by, um, Kmele, the fat of prejudice melts away from the bones of Thomas and Nikole.


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Pretty sure we heard Moynihan’s initial reaction to Rachael’s buttocks @3:30

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What donor tier unlocks the "Moist Mouth Sounds" SAP feed?

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I don't know much, but I do know this: Matt Welch is one duck-cookin' sonofabitch.

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Glad you enjoyed the tequila 😘

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Still waiting for evidence of that MM Gerry Adams tattoo.

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I was at an event last night where the screenwriter Robert Wade mixed up Gerry Anderson - the man responsible for 1960s puppet series Thunderbirds - with Gerry Adams - the man responsible for [redacted because I don't want him to sue me].

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I think Fifth fans will be into Jonah Goldberg’s latest solo Remnant about fascism, the Italian election, and domestic politics on the right https://open.substack.com/pub/remnant/p/pipe-dreams

He also gives a shoutout to his interview with Nick Gillespie for Reason TV about fascism and Italy https://youtu.be/_0gvB2u98o4

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Another great episode!

My kids are now in their 20s, but reading to them was very important to me. I read all kinds of things, though never Jack London I must admit.

They each got the following (a couple of these a couple of times at their request):

All the Winnie the Pooh stories

Wind in the Willows

The Hobbit

And the books they listened to together (they are two years apart):

All the Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House Books

I loved reading all of these books for them, even as I had the privilege of reading many, many books with them. But when I have grandchildren, I expect to read these again to them if I have the chance.

But there are so many great books out there, I’m sure your kids will still keep getting you to read the right books for them.

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Excellent list. Especially the Wilder series. Read them all (and loved the show) as a kid.

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Please, please, please title Kmele’s forthcoming series of amicable sit downs “Rendering the Fat”

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I enjoyed the discussion of podcasts bringing together people of disparate views to facilitate fruitful discussions; the brief sidebar of Moynihan negging Lara Bazelon was an unexpected bonus.

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I might not be your only public library director listener or subscriber- but my professional opinion is Rufo is a moron.

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Who is the famous religious leader who listens? Out yourself please.

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It's me. I'm not so much famous, but it's possible I'm the messiah.

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It also possible, and much more likely, I'm not.

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Rev. Al Sharpton? Nah.

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I hope the well known religious figure who donated to Moynihan's fundraiser steps forward because at the moment the best guess I can come up with is J R Dobbs.

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Also, Kmele please do not read “A Dog of Flanders” to Lia. I encountered it around 10. It was a a children’s novel. It’s a terrible sadistic wonderful book. And I cried for weeks. And I can still muster a tear thinking of the closing lines.

But all the Jack London, all the time. The ending to The Call of the Wild is kinda nuts, as you know, but I think a smart kid will understand it.

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I read it for the first time as an adult. ~40. Loved it.

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Yep. Definitely holds up.

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I read it as an adult recently as well. I think that would be a great book to get into with a kid. Ties in well with some Lewis Carrol and the idea of nonce words. Good for deciphering context and stepping into the created world.

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Loved it. I should reread it to see.

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