Get Gustavo and Dreyfuss on the next call and let's fucking TRANSCEND.

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Don’t forget the crazy vagrant in NY also threw URINE on the woman. I would shank a motherfucker.

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I believe *checks notes* yes indeed: shanking a motherfucker is an acceptable alternative to traditional policing.

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Great episode. . .As much as I love you guys though, you gate your content I am cutting you off like a gangrenous limb.

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Excellent episode. You guys were also great on the Megyn Kelly show. Megyn's recitation of the lyrics of that BLK get-out-the-vote jingle reminded me of Dan Quayle reading the lyrics to Body Count's "Cop Killer." She didn't do it with Quayle's solemnity, obviously. I wouldn't have expected Megyn Kelly to say "gerrymander this coochie" but what the vuck do I know. You guys just bring it out of people, I guess.

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The obvious question: how does one refer to a small black boy in Spanish?

I think Gustavo is a bit dismissive. I speak pretty good Spanish, but as gringo, I'll be the first to say I'm ignorant, but Spanish is so pluralistic (See the different names for fruit in different countries) I don't think we can prove racism from a word. Back that shit up, don't just say Mexicans are racist and this proves it.

Also, I had no knowledge of this story prior to turning this on.

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It's a moderately fun exercise to ask people to explain what they mean by "people of color," and then say "oh, you mean non-white people," and watch as they feel uncomfortable with the subtle implications of their entire system of categorization.

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It does seem like a rebranding of the Charlie Manson Helter Skelter ideology, except viewed from the other side. Call it, Skelter Helter, I guess.

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For any Angelenos out there, or fans of radio legend Art Laboe, Gustavo Arellano paid a beautiful tribute to him on his podcast today. RIP Art Laboe 😢


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On the two tier legal system conversation...Washington state recently mandated a 2 tier legal system with race as the back drop.

“the court wrote, that “objective observer” must be aware that discrimination and biases “have resulted in disproportionate police contacts, investigative seizures, and uses of force against Black, Indigenous, and other people of color.”


And an appeals court threw out a drug drug smugglers conviction because the prosecuted referred to a “Mexican ounce” (25 grams) in closing arguments.

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Wow thanks for sharing. I had no idea.

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I haven't listened yet, but I can't wait to hear how reporting on Fetterman's stroke is violence. My natural reaction is that such a claim is so absurd that it cannot have possibly been made by a breathing (even mouth-breathing) human being. But, given the collective stroke this country has suffered, I'm sure that many people passionately support the claim!

"Violence" is going the way of many of its peers: literally all words are going the way of "literally" and no longer hold literal meanings.

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After hearing the conversation about half way through the pod about how the media avoids or reframes what crime is I thought about a news article about a "study" around the "safest cities in america" the other day (https://wallethub.com/edu/safest-cities-in-america/41926). Take a look at their methodology.

Out of 100 Possible point they are broken up by:

Home & Community Safety: 50 pts

Natural Disaster risk: 30 pts

and then Financial Safety: 20 pts

That by its self seems a bit wobbly on what most folks think of when they are thinking of safe places to live. But once you drill in further it gets even more weird. The top three measures of the "home and community saftey" category are:

- Percentage of Residents Who Are Fully Vaccinated Against COVID-19: Double Weight (~4.76 Points)

- Presence of Terrorist Attacks: Triple Weight (~7.14 Points)

Note: This binary metric considers the presence or absence of terrorist attack or terrorist-related incident in the city between 2012 and 2022.

- Number of Mass Shootings: Full Weight (~2.38 Points)

in forth place is Murders & non-negligent Manslaughters per Capita... which is weighted the same as Terrorist attacks.

Long story longer I read a thing like this and it just sounds like "Where can you live in America where you can pay to avoid the poors and their problems, but still get them to drive doordash for you." Just weird.

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Ah, this explains how Rochester nearly cracked the top 50. There’s a shooting every day, but there are no hurricanes, earthquakes, or wildfires, and the parts of the city where you’re unlikely to be shot are fairly well vaccinated.

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I can see the see the headline now: "Correlation found between vaccine hesitancy and rate of high speed lead poisoning in vulnerable communities with protected status." :D

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Gustavo is the best!

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Gustavo's explanations and his take on the whole L.A. City Council debacle are priceless and soooo useful to get a grip on the story. THANK YOU! I had to stop at minute 19 to let you know that that was an awesome kicker to the episode.

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The Woke left has, it's so painfully clear, gone insane. Full stop. I was living in NYC in 2020 and 2021 when BLM "didn't" burn buildings down and young black men "weren't" brutally beating up innocent Asian people and crime "wasn't" actually going up. What continues to baffle me is the atrocious level of pansy-hood almost all major institutions contain. Especially, of course, media. Why are we still pandering to these lefty psychopaths? Do I think the current Right is any better? No! From Trump to Jan 6 to the lying and profoundly biased conservative media: No. But the answer is obviously NOT radical leftism. Alternative facts were a joke on the left in 2016/2017. Now the Wokies lie, gaslight and suppress with abandon. They have "Woke Facts." There is going to be (to some degree there already is) a massive backlash, not just among conservatives but among normal average Americans of all races and genders everywhere. Wokeism is going to burn to the ground and I am going to be sitting on the Great Lawn in NYC, eating pizza and enjoying the show. I'm thinking the opening and final scene in Fight Club.

Denying that crime is on the rise while real human beings (most often non-white) suffer the consequences while white liberals are safe in their bungalos is cultural fascism. It cracks me up when lefties say, Well the right is more dangerous; they're authoritarian. What do you think the government would be like if, say, AOC and The Squad came into full power? Look at what they stand for already. Do you think the constitution would be respected? Do you think due process would happen? Do you think crime would be realistically addressed? Do you think freedom of speech would be sanctified? Would history be accurately taught? The answers to all these questions, if you're paying attention, are obvious. Wokies will say, But the right are fascists; they don't believe in Democracy. True! And the lefties are Marxist Utopian crazies who slapped a "trigger warning" on the U.S. Constitution and think freedom of speech applies only to those who agree 100% with their views. What's my point? Both sides (I said it!) are leading us down the primrose path to destruction.

The solution, I think, is to attempt to bridge the gap between the two. But how on EARTH can that be done? It seems more and more to me that the Woke left actually WANTS a get-in-the-streets Civil War. And that's dangerously stupid because they'd get their safe-bubble asses kicked. Yet I can't see any other solution when they keep lying and gaslighting and pretending that reality isn't reality (men being pregnant, say).

It's just sad. We are in a dumb, dumb historical and cultural moment. People with influence, money and power need to grow a pair finally and say NO to Wokeism. It's racist, ignorant, dishonest and authoritarian in nature...in many ways just like the current right. Dems desperately need to win back working-class white voters, not to mention the fraying threads of Hispanic and Asian voters. The way to doing this is NOT radical leftism or radical conservatism. It's a return to sanity.

Michael Mohr

Sincere American Writing


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I swear we have nice areas in Chicago as well

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Ok, fair point about Gianno Caldwell, but I’ll never understand Fred Goldman’s racist obsession with OJ Simpson

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I'm wondering if there's anything else Michael Moynihan wants to say about Kara Swisher.

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