Dec 16, 2022Liked by Matt Welch

Bummed to hear about the layoff Moynihan, but now you can finally become the JP Morgan of Crypto

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Matt Welch

Definitely a bummer. Moynihan, if you decide to take a vacation to cheer yourself up, there's a guestroom in my Mexico City penthouse with your name on it. There are some hot women in my wife's pole dance class I'm sure she wouldn't mind introducing you to.

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Matt Welch


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I'll dial it back to "is alright in small doses". Sorry, Moynihan, but you heard the people. The offer has been downgraded to an inflatable mattress in the living room and an introduction to the cashier at the liquor store on the corner.

You ever been to Mexico City, Gabrielle?

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Well, you already offered. Next time think about how this makes the rest of us look. And! Ashamed to admit I’ve never been

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Next time, I'll offer an intermittently overagressive back rub as a cheer-me-up instead.

I recommend Mexico City to everyone I can. I came here 5½ years ago on a trip, met the woman who's now my wife, and never went back to the US. It's my favorite city I've ever been to.

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Very sorry to hear that as well. I’m sure he’ll land on his feet but I’ll miss his work at Vice TV (the only reason I watched Vice TV). I imagine Bari Weiss would welcome him into the Free Press fold.

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I didn't even know about Vice TV until I found TFC. Their loss! Your even handed tone was a better than the channel's overall. Onward and upward!

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I really hope he does more video stuff, or if he does some sort of deep dive podcast

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I’m only kind of joking when I say he should pitch a show similar to his vice show to Elon and have the content on Twitter or Twitter “Blue”.

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The more I think about it, the better idea I think it could be.

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Oh no! I’m not up to that part yet. What a bummer. Sorry, Michael. Hope you get lots of offers.

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Sorry to hear Moynihan's news, wishing him (and everybody) the best for 2023. Happy to make my contribution to the Bacon Egg & Cheese Fund, at least.

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Gilly and Keeves bit. All skits are a must watch, call out to Trump Speed Dating also.


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Re NY Post headlines: the Daily News has always been a step behind the Post even it comes to memorable front page headlines, but when a story emerged about the young Beatles' group self-pleasure sessions, they must have thought their headline "COME TOGETHER" couldn't be topped.

The Post's front page read "BEAT THE MEATLES."

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Kmele is right about the doxxing argument. I’d bet the vast majority of doxxing cases involve divulging public information. If someone went to town hall and found the address of a trans activist through tax records and then published it on Twitter, I think we could all agree that is doxxing even though the information was public. That sort of thing serves no purpose other than real-life harassment and I don’t blame Elon for not wanting it on his platform. I understand that it’s a bad look that it wasn’t a rule until it affected his family, but I think it’s a valid rule regardless. I just hope he applies the rule evenly.

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Oh God, the fusion 'breakthrough'. I feel very confident in saying no one hosting this podcast is going to see energy produced by fusion (excepting the sun, of course) on the grid in their lifetimes. The scientists involved in the experiment should be applauded, but to say that what they achieved is anywhere close to scalable is hilarious. The fact that the administration trotted out noted dipshit Jennifer Granholm to make the announcement makes it even more amusing to my mind.

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I laughed when I read that only 1% of the energy used to power the lasers ended up being directly involved in the fusion reaction itself. (Legitimately) cool that if you only count the energy of the lasers themself, the fusion reaction produced more energy than was used to create it...BUT for it to be even *theoretically* something that you could scale up, you would need something like 95% efficient lasers even though we are now only (apparently) at 1%.

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The lasers also need to be duty cycled to a ridiculous degree, and the whole experiment contained in a magnetic field that itself requires quite a bit of power. The only real accomplishment was they produced a controlled fusion reaction, rather than a bomb. I mean, like I kind of said previously, that’s not NOTHING, but it’s a LONG way from useful.

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Matt Welch

Moynihan, the teaching profession will always have you! Before you discount it, consider:

1. Summers off

2. Summers off

3. 75% of US teachers are female. And they looooove when single men are in the building.

4. Summers off

Your History prowess would be invaluable to the profession. We need it. And the kids would absolutely love you. Just think about it. :)

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Dec 16, 2022·edited Dec 16, 2022

So many homeless people in Manhattan and at least one or two are wildly swinging some random object. And who knows who’s sleeping and who’s dead.

Also! Latest Eli Lake podcast about Hanukkah is hilarious https://nebulouspodcasts.com/shows/reeducation-eli-lake/episodes/ep.-57:-return-of-the-maccabees

Never knew about Hitch’s amazing takedown of Hanukkah from 2007 (Eli mentions) https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2007/12/hanukkah-celebrates-the-triumph-of-tribal-jewish-backwardness.html

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There's something about the phrase "Hanukkah bush" that makes me irrationally happy.

(per Eli Lake podcast)

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This assimilation will not stand!

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That episode was a blast! Thanks for the recommendation.

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I have it saved in my queue to listen again

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Loved that podcast! As a goy I never knew much about Hanukkah, but man Eli knows how to tell a story - or maybe its just Jewish history, but what a great reframing and including some respectful contention with Hitch was a welcomed bonus.

Also listened to the latest Ari Shaffir referenced as a result and that was fantastic as well.

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To be fair, I don’t think many American Jews know the whole story of Hanukkah. Growing up I think I only grasped the 8 days of oil thing. But man, the Maccabees are my favorite now. That Hitch piece is hilarious. I can’t see many of us taking issue with charges of backwards tribalism. I have to check out Shaffir

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Shaffir is dangerously funny 😆

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I'll have you know that Cleveland is the Jerusalem of the Irish (or at least the ones from the far west coast, who apparently moved there en masse in the early 1900s...), and soon the Boston Irish will go on a people's crusade, rampaging across the tri-state area and the wilds of Pennsylvania to the holy lack of mountains that is Ohio.

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Yes! My people came there from Ireland too.( well, some had a brief stop over in Canada. It didn't take.)

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I went to Achill Island once (where my dad's family emigrated from) and it was just like being in my grandparents' neighborhood in Rocky River - all the same last names, all the same facial features, etc. It was a really cool experience.

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Woohoo new podcast Happy Friday!

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“Elon uses the FAA PIA privacy program for a private plane ID. When using a PIA address, the owner is anon and private, not public. Sweeney’s workaround is (likely) to spot a (rare) ICAO plane resembling Musk’s & noting the private code.”


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Here's an article on it as well:


While it's technically public information, yes, it is also anonymized. So this very much fits the traditional old-school definition of doxxing that Welch talked about - its information that was actively obfuscated and hidden being made revealed. It's only "public information" in the same way that your address being in the white pages is public information - someone doing the work to associate that info with your online account and then publishing it online was the original "doxxing," and that's basically what's happening here.

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So it's like when Kanye West goes into a building and a rapper who is spouting conspiracies about the Jews while wearing a full face balaclava comes out later.

FWIW, it looks like he's using a third party PIA lookup integration that does all of this for him based on my tracing of his code.

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Jumped in and accidentally put it on 1.25 speed without realizing and for a bit I was like "Damn, Moynihan really is back on Cocaine"

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Of course since he's now an unemployed guy who's from Boston Meth would be the more likely drug

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I think the new Twitter policy is okay (if overly broad), but take great issue with the following:

* Bans were applied retroactively and permanently

* It uses an expansive definition of doxxing

* It was hastily drafted and targeted specifically to the account(s) that Elon had a beef with

* Linking to it these sites in the context of reporting is certainly not doxxing even if it's against the hastily updated TOS

* Linking to the code repository used to generate this tracking certainly does NOT violate the policy

* Linking to any Mastodon instance has been blocked

* He explicitly said that the account would stay in the past

* He explicitly said that he was a "free speech absolutist"in the past

* He makes poorly constructed arguments about immediate dangers which he (and y'all) would reject in most any other context

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The attempted attack of a vehicle where Elon’s child was and the posting of flight data by the Twitter account ElonJet were both over 24 hours apart. I have difficulties calling what this Twitter account did and their ban as partaking in doxxing as the cause and effect. I think we should respect people’s privacy and I agree that Elon can define terms of service in whatever way he wants. He’s definitely not the free speech absolutist he makes himself out to be and what a shame that is with all these right wingers he’s sucking off lately! Absolute moron if you ask me!

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Just finished listening and what should pop up on BBC News, but…

Twitter blocks users from sharing Mastodon links https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-63999452

I don’t care what he does with Twitter, as I said for the previous regime: their platform, their rules. I just think the Stans need to stop pretending that he is anything other than a mirror image of what he despises.

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The cult of personality with Elon is almost as bad as Trump. I find it completely insufferable.

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I like when people try to call you out by saying things like "but you didn't care when the Hunter Biden story came out". Yes I did dude, and even if I didn't aren't you just trying to justify your own hypocrisy by equating it with what you think is mine?

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The idea that you guys are upset with people for being cruel is hilarious. Love you guys but this pod drips cruelty and derision every episode (partly why I love it) but acting like you guys don’t have anything in common with popehat is a great example of some cognitive biases. Love you guys but be real about the sometimes comedic and entertaining insults.

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