I'd have been a lot more impressed with the State of the Union spectacle if Hunter Biden had shown up dressed as an F22 and followed MTG around menacingly during his dad's speech. Bonus points if he'd carried around an empty laptop bag all night.

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This is your calling

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I thought it was a little insensitive towards the victims of Armie's cannibalism when right before he left, Jamie said, "Thanks for having me."

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He’ll eat those words.

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Jamie had me at “Gloria Allred dropped her”.

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Sheeeeit, I knew this was a witch hunt when I heard the accuser HIRED Allred...

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Martin Luther Queen is officially my drag name

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I'd have to go with Ruby Ridge.

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Am I the only person who’s never heard of this dude?

Meanwhile, men do talk about experiencing emotional abuse. They just do it anonymously on Quora.

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Lol same. Finally at 17 minutes Kmele says why they're talking about this.

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I’m relieved to know I’m not the only sub-rock dweller in these parts! 😂

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Are you living under a dirty, uncleaned rock? He's one of the great branding successes of the 20th century!


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Kirchik does good work. I also recommend the podcast he does with Mike Pesca and Virginia Heffernan, Not Even Mad. Although, they haven’t posted a new ep since mid-December, so it may be they’ve stopped doing it altogether.

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I meant the Armie Hammer guy.

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Ah. Sorry.

Probably not. I wouldn’t call him a household name — even if his name sounds like a household item.

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I really liked Not Even Mad and hope it comes back in some form. My theory is that Pesca saw a gap to fill since Left, Right and Center became unlistenable since Josh Barro left. Hope it comes back, even with rotating guests

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Even you haven’t seen it, Pesca posted a sort-of-farewell ep of NEM, in which he explains what happened.

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I can’t figure out why they stopped. It was good. No Fifth, but solid. And Kmele didn’t mention it in the intro so it must have died young.

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I adore Jamie, but Virginia is a lot.

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And when they discussed NYT editor being fired - I forget which one - I think the Tom Cotton brouhaha - she said it was because of BAD EDITING!

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Pesca posted a goodbye ep. He explains what happened. Kirchik is too busy, and Heffernan “wasn’t feeling it.” One gets the impression she wasn’t comfortable being outside of her bubble or having her positions challenged. I can’t say I’m surprised, although I liked the dynamic between the three of them.

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That’s a shame. Excellent discussions among the three hosts (and occasional guest hosts). They challenged one another. I also liked Mike Pesca on NEM more than The Gist.

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The biggest offense to DeSantis on this podcast is Kmele continuing to pronounce his name like some upper west side WASP.

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I love it. Reminds me of Chris Kimball pronouncing “shallot” on public television.

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Why do I now have a "Paid" badge? Who paid me? Who did I pay? Now everybody knows that I have enough scratch to support the lads a little bit, but I still join the hoi polloi in steerage.

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We are calling it E Pluribus Anus.

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Oh, how I love a Community reference in the wild. :')

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And I love someone loving a community reference in the wild!

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Feb 10, 2023·edited Feb 10, 2023

I decided to google the Rage Against the War Machine rally that Matt mentioned, since I live in DC and hadn't heard about it, and the top result is this gem of an article:

"Why The Rage Against the War Machine Rally Is #AntiWarSoWhite"



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Re MM’s comment about teachers ability to indoctrinate students (or not) reminded me of a time when I was in the 8th grade during sex Ed when the gym teacher was trying to tell us what it meant to be gay. OMG so funny and cute looking back how this straight guy was so uncomfortable and awkward about it. 😂. I think he said something to the effect “if you... you... are a guy and you like... the.... uh... company of other...guys? And if you are a girl and like being with other girls? Then you’re... you know.” Which confused the hell out of all of us since we were in the 8th grade when our friends were all the same sex. So like he accidentally made a bunch of students go: “wait so if I’m a girl and all my friends are girls... that means I’m gay? 🤷‍♀️😂 Poor guy. I bet he would have LOVED to have a don’t say gay bill at the time. 😂

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This reminded me of my 4th grade teacher telling us, as a matter of fact, that Africa was the largest continent, and that the Mercator projection was racist. This was early 80s. Ms. Lang was ahead of her time.

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Actually, the Mercator projection is homophobic because it forces rhumb lines to be straight.

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If you don’t mind my asking: what’s your background? I’m a gay male Millennial who grew up in a Biden +30 congressional district outside one of the bluest cities in one of the bluest states in the country. Maybe I dodged a bullet, but it’s unfathomable that our borderline smugly progressive school system would have incorporated a lesson on homosexuality—unnecessary at best from the sound of it—into the curriculum.

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Who is Armie Hammer?

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An actor who had an ascendant career, a bunch of affairs and was into some really kinky BDSM shit, including dirty talk around canabalization. A woman he was having a long time affair with came out and claimed he raped her, then a bunch of other women did as well.

Jamie just wrote a piece on it which calls into question some of the accusers and accusations.

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You're good at this!

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Matt Welch

I found the thing!!!!!!

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Pre Super Bowl 2nd Sunday sounds fucking great.

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Yeah, pencil it in for noon ET.

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Feb 10, 2023Liked by Matt Welch

Was coming here to speak on behalf of all of us and say we have no friends. Second Sunday should stand!

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The guys did say one time that they might be interested in starting a cult, and what better way to find the most susceptible true believers than to schedule the Zoom call at the same time as kickoff?

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There are few things as joyous as a hearty full-throated belly laugh from Kmele. Cheers, gents!

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The official American Astronomical Society journals' policy is that all acronyms need to be spelled out upon their first use, *except* JWST (James Webb Space Telescope).

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Is....is this a real fact?

Wow... It is in fact a real fact. https://journals.aas.org/aas-style-guide/

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Just bizarre. Is this someone's revenge for the Telescope being named after James Webb over the objections about his tenuous association with the firing of homosexuals?

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I’m struck by how often Kmele is “struck.”

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Thank you for the bits on the disaster that is the LP.

The new management were supposed to stop the embarrassment.


Toyota is a US company?

As for the rally -- https://www.lp.org/statement-from-the-libertarian-party-on-anti-war-rally/

And the BBC story on the featured speaker. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-13089135

(Why do none of the AW bobble heads call for the Russians to go home...?)

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The LP statement does repudiate Russias invasion of Ukraine. "We oppose Russia’s invasion and any initiation of force."

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And I restate, “Why do none of the AW bobble heads call for the Russians to go home...?”

They don’t.


It’s over immediately when the Russians go home.

Fighting in self-defense, is completely justified.

Arming victims is also justified. Giving someone who’s been mugged a can of pepper spray...proxy war.

But when you start from the premise that anything bad that’s happened since 1945 is the US’s fault....

(And we just won’t talk about the things that don’t fit that...Czechoslovakia in 48 and 68, Hungary 56, Allende in the early 70s Afghanistan in 80, Grenada, and so on....}

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The Libertarian Party doesn’t limit themselves to blaming the US for all bad things that happened to the world after 1945... they blame the US for getting involved in World War 2 as well!


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Moynihan under his breath: “he’s Canadian”.

Mmmmmmm hmmmmmm, that’s right…

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