Pretty nuts the Ivy League kept out the Asian kids who acrually wanted to study by saying their personalities sucked in favor of letting in this bunch of turds whose personalities are absolute trash and who won't go to class.

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Asian Kid Who Actually Went To Columbia To Learn Gettin' Real Sick Of This Crap


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Hahaha, sounds about right

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The world is upside down when the bee hits harder than the onion

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Be honest, @Kev, was your spelling of "acrually" an attempt at an Asian accent.

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Unfortunately, it was just a betrayal from Samsung Keyboard's promise not to make me seem like the evidently semi-literate idiot I am.

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There's always next time! 😆

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I see my looming presence has pressured Kmele to return. Good.

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Not good enough! I say we all get together and move into a Shanty-town in front of a Nancy Rommelmann's hairdresser's cousin's house and refuse to leave until there is a complete divestment from all things Kmele and in-STATEment of Spencer as new host. There is only room for a one-host solution here and that host is Spencer!

(Unless of course Kmele decides to employ his melanin force field in which case we'll apologize to him, buy hm a new pair of bird-watching glasses, and send Spencer on a two week cruise with Sarah Rao.)

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That last bit violates the 8th Amendment.

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I think a weekend with Sarah Rao is worse than a lifetime in gitmo.

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It's that origin story that frightened him

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One look at your dad’s hat/mustache combo had him shaking in his Yeezys

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I think the selective enforcement that Moynihan discussed at length is at the heart of why these campus radicalism issues annoy people so much - there's a clear double standard where progressives can be disruptive, cruel, and crazy while even milquetoast expression of conservative-inflected ideas (like pro-life protestors and now, just being from Israel or having been in the IDF) is prohibited or heckler's veto'd out of the mix.

"Protest" has become its own weird standalone experience, untethered from actual impact in the real world. It's neat that these people found their temporary autonomous zone, I wish they could have done it without setting up in public spaces and screaming at passers by.

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Agreed, and though I think the breathless endorsement of morally bankrupt "freedom fighters" is the real crime here, the about-facing and "It's not whatever we said it was when we do it" is pretty disgusting.

Here we have the "outside agitators" fucking up our clean beach community.

Columbia Daily Spectator:


"Bad actors" and "nonaffiliates" outside the university gates shouldn't be conflated with student protestors, you see.

But wait! Just days earlier, many of these students were bathing in the support from outside the gates!


I can only "oooof" but so hard at undergrads, who are contractually obligated to be stupid fucks (it's required to apply for a Pell Grant!), but as you said, selective enforcement is the truly stunning "achievement" here.

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I fear that students have two choices when they enter college: join "the movement" or hide for fear of repercussions if they don't. I don't want any college student - especially those coming off the heels of high school wellness indoctrination - feeling like engaging in curiosity about a subject or speaker will compromise their acceptance, learning, or safety.

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My guess is that it's only socially necessary in certain departments/majors. I'm guessing there aren't a lot of Classics majors in the tent city (but I could be wrong!).

As I've said elsewhere, back in 2003/2004 when I was transitioning from progressive oriented boarding school to very progressive oriented college, the culture seemed to say that adopting progressive social and economic positions were the clearest sign of being a good, decent person. It's like living under the socially conservative orthodoxy of an overwhelmingly religious culture, where it's just assumed that good, decent people go to church.

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Maybe - but that's the thing, it's all speculative. The extroverted outrage is at least visible. What goes on in dorms or in quiet conversations may be more dangerous. If the greater power appears to be the screaming group outside, AND those same people are your neighbors and classmates, you can bet they are listening and keeping track of what students are saying in class, dorms, the public square, etc. It's that: instilling fear of expressing thought, college-level thought that often and should get a little weird as young students navigate learning.

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Actually My guess is that this is mostly people like in “classics” majors. What you probably don’t see is engineering majors. Those people are busy with math and physics. No time for sign holding.

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I assumed social sciences and "Studies" departments

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When you get rid of admissions testing, you inevitably pass on people with an interest in learning in favor of those who'd use their parents' money for a theatric public performance that pitifully generates no revenue.

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As a South Floridian, I am 100% in favor of returning all of our land to the stewardship of its original owners: the alligators. They will probably spend way less time and money screwing up I-95 than the current stewards.

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They're way more deserving than their python colonizers

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Can you imagine the Darwinian shit that would go down? The "Florida Man" news stories would be all alligators...and I'd be tuning in for every single one.

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You should complain about how hard it is to score Adderall every week and rename the show “The Fiend Column”.

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I believe episode 228 where Katie Herzog brought up land acknowledgements. Katie also explains what a TERF and "chaser" is to the Boys. https://wethefifth.substack.com/p/228-w-katie-herzog-19-trillion-reasons-a02?utm_source=publication-search

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This was the episode that brought me to the fifth column and I'm so glad y'all had Katie Herzog on.

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The land acknowledgements was actually brought up on episode 331 also with Katie, 1 hour 42 minutes in. (https://wethefifth.substack.com/p/331-w-katie-herzog-once-upon-a-time-31e?utm_source=publication-search)

Fun highlights from scrubbing through episode 228 while trying to find the quote.

42 Min in: Katie mentions the NPR game that will eventually become a subject of an email sent to the boys.

1HR 02 Min in: Matt Welch claims that the Child Care Tax credit is gonna end up being permanent (FACT CHECK: TRUE).

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The TikTok ban has so many things at play.

But it starts with the fact that the app, itself, pries into other apps sitting on the endpoint it has absolutely no business touching. ByteDance doesn’t need to know where I last ordered delivery food. Or that I paid with a credit card from a specific bank. But it does because it snoops around, then stores all that collected data….and the PRC can compel access to that data.

The algorithms about whatever vids are served up are of interest, but less than determining a DHS employee ordered Jimmy John’s from a particular cube in a facility near Andrews AFB, paid with a Wells-Fargo Visa….and, oh, disappointed photo went to Instagram shortly thereafter.

Apple and Google could stop this short, but they haven’t. Why?

For CJ’s stuff, I’m thankful that none of my smorgasbord of meds is tighter controlled. One of the ones I’m on to help me walk lost patent protections and went generic. But the ins co. will still only let me get a 30-day dose. Really?

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Talking to someone in the intel community, banning Tiktok on federal employee phones hasn't stopped China from being able to spy on these employees. They can compromise a whole house when a kid of an employee who has TikTok on their phone accesses the home Wifi. They can then access all the devices connected to the Wifi and even turn on microphones and cameras.

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I assure you that the example person isn’t working for an intel agency.

There’s a ton of stuff that’s been built in PGC.

Hell, I could be describing someone at the Census Bureau, which is in the area I described.

You haven’t addressed my main point. Again, TikTok is collecting all sorts of data there’s no reason it should collect.

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Because I agreed with your main point? I was just sharing something I heard to add to the conversation.

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Policy does dissuade use, even on personal devices.

Again. I think Apple and Google could fix this. They don’t. So we get more bad policy from Congress (and its legion of bureaucrats).

I’m really annoyed, however, by the media’s failure on this. (And I include Reason in there…Something to which I donate…)

But, like, Maddow says it’s safe, and Glenn Beck says it’ dangerous because _algorithms_.

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Kmele is back! Just in time. I was ready to stage a protest at his house wearing inexpensive (and not ugly) athletic shoes and off the rack Old Navy denim while chanting slanderous things (or worse, true things!) about Kanye till he returned to the pod.

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You could also just put a RedBox in front of his house.

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Just going to pop Tom Wolfe’s “Radical Chic” essay in here, while we’re discussing protesters with hard-ons for ‘68 and violence.


On the topic of white servants serving the Black Panthers: "Why not do without servants altogether if the matter creates such unbearable tension and one truly believes in equality? Well, even to raise the question is to reveal the most fundamental ignorance of life in the great co-ops and townhouses of the East Side in the age of Radical Chic."

"In fact, this sort of *nostalgie de la boue*, or romanticizing of primitive souls, was one of the first things that brought Radical Chic to the fore in New York Society...*Nostalgie de la boue* tends to be a favorite motif wherever a great many new faces and a lot of new money enter Society."

"One rule is that *nostalgie de la boue* - i.e., the styles of romantic, raw-vital, Low Rent primitives - are good; and *middle class*, whether black or white, is bad."

"At the outset, at least, all three groups had something else to recommend them, as well: they were headquartered 3,000 miles away from the East Side of Manhattan, in places like Delano (the grape workers), Oakland (the Panthers) and Arizona and New Mexico (the Indians). They weren’t likely to become too much … *underfoot*, as it were. Exotic, Romantic, Far Off …"

"One of the ironies of the history of the Jews in America was that their long championship of black civil liberties had begun to backfire to badly in the late 1960's."

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“Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers” is also essential reading!


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Thanks for the link :)

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Fun fact: After the Romans killed Jesus, God punished them by transforming them into Italians.

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I don't think you guys appreciate how far these protesters and their ilk have already succeeded in shutting down the universities. Inhibiting learning doesn't begin to describe it. Pro-Palestine groups won't sit down with Jewish students who support Israel's right to exist (even if they're also critical of the Netanyahu government and settlements) because they won't "platform" views they disagree with. Not 1930s Germany yet, maybe, but German universities were also the envy of the world before they started silencing Jewish voices...

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I hate these people so much it hurts.

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The level of imbecilic idiocy has no bounds.

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It's weird though, the comments on there say it's AstroTurf, but that's not what's happening - it's skilled progressive organizers leveraging the presence of willing bodies on college campuses. I think AstroTurf implies that the protestors are paid or insincere, but it looks more like they've been convinced or conned (as the messaging intended to get free speech supporters on board is designed to do) to get involved.

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Interesting stuff - reminds me of ANSWER (which is probably involved with this round of action too), they're a socialist group that was the organizing force behind a ton of anti-Iraq war protests.

I think you can put too many eggs in the basket of "all the protestors are on board with the beliefs of the radical organizers" - although that's what drove me away from anti-war protests when I was in college. I like capitalism and don't like war 🤷‍♂️ There are a lot of "useful idiots" out there who radicals are happy to take advantage of.

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I don't disagree that the protestors seem captivated by insidious ideas that are provoking potentially dangerous behavior. At the same time, I bet if you turned off the WiFi and found a way to block the cellular data signal, Columbia shantytown would be abandoned completely by dinnertime. (No doubt with none of the student occupiers helping clean up, despite somewhat ironically fancying themselves environmentalists.)

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We are the normies!

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I don't think you guys appreciate how much of this garbage originates from Vancouver. Americans always assume they're exporting this to the rest of the world. But I find that most of this shit originates in Vancouver and gets picked up in the PNW and California.

Land acknowledgements have been going on for well over a decade in Vancouver.

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On one hand: AMERICA FIRST

On the other: The 2011 Stanley Cup Finals Riots

God damnit, Eric Lee, I think you have a point.

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At U of Toronto in the early 2000s the student union did them

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Australia has had land acknowledgements mainstream since the 90s, with the first recorded on the hippy fringe as far back as the 70s: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Welcome_to_Country

Sun-dried South Canadians beat Vancouver to it, I'm afraid :/

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Inject the class rage straight into my veins

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You have come to the right place to get your hit

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Kmele is properly medicated and Moynihan is going to fight the UWS intifada. We're on!

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Grab your honorary yarmulke MM and I’ll do the same, let’s rile some fuckers up!

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Goyim Zionist reporting for duty… 🫡

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This episode got me right in the feels. I was diagnosed with ADD (what ADHD was known as before being renamed) when I was a kid, probably 12 or 13 years old. I’m 49 now and from an outsider perspective, I might seem like I have my shit together. I have a bachelors in CompSci, also have an MBA, and have had a pretty successful career as a software engineer. But it’s all fucking fake!!! I’m a complete fucking mess! After failing to become “good enough” at planning and time management and personal organization I feel like some part of my brain has just given up. The only way that I can keep all the fucking plates spinning is with a consistent prescription for ADHD meds. When I heard CJ say that he needs the medication to be a functioning adult… man, those exact words have been my lament when:

- I can’t get a prescription filled because of the stupidest shortage of a medication ever

- I end up paying over $400 for a months supply of vyvanse because I didn’t mediate the communications between my fucking doctor and my fucking pharmacist to have my doctor make sure to check the fucking box that, yes, a generic version will work. Because obviously there has to be some friction to ensure the system doesn’t just give me the lowest priced compound possible

- I end up having to switch back and forth between Vyvanse and Adderall because of the fucking shortage du jour

- I finally am able to get the eric version of vyvanse, but it still costs $200 for a months supply!!!!!

And then, with all the bad shit that we know is happening, I end up feeling like a fucking asshole because I feel fucking broken because I can’t keep up with modern life without a fucking pill, but that’s the honest to god truth.

No one else in the media universe, to my knowledge, covers this aspect of having ADHD and the real impacts of these idiotic shortages. So I live the fact that you guys actually talk about this from time to time, and I am absolutely beside myself with good feels because you guys devoted a good chunk of this episode to being CJ on tot all through all this and also add in the adhd suffering facet of the story. I had not heard of CJ before so I am definitely going to check out his writing, he picked up a new reader/fan/simp today!

Also, just to plug a few helpful resources for anyone out there who might be suffering in silence. The r/ADHD subreddit is really really good, and also check out Jessica McCabe’s “How to ADHD” YouTube channel. She has ADHD and has built a community that is several hundred thousand strong.

Thanks again!

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I hear you, Van.

For me, I was diagnosed after learning and experiencing through my son's diagnosis and struggles.

I've spent several years now working through all the BS of having been told for 40+ years that I was a crappy person. Trying to rebuild something vaguely resembling genuine positive self image is a hard road.

I'm wishing this one was on MSM for a week.

The documentary "ADD and loving it!?!" is a great watch as well. Especially if you're a fan of the Red Green Show.

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The struggle is real. I, too, am constantly battling with my shadow self to establish that I am in fact a decent person and not a thoughtless POS.

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Dani Donovan’s ADHD comics are very relatable if you are not familiar with her work: http://adhddd.com/comics/

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Oh man, I love Dani Donovan. I bought her ADHD planner… I haven’t opened it lololol

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