"Disassociating yourself from the freaks and terror supporters"

I hung in there through 2016, #metoo going off the rails, COVID, the Reckoning, Jan 6., Stolen Election, DEI, and still, *still*, I believed in dialogue with people I thought were crazy, and that no one was too far gone.

Oct 7, I hit my limit. I'm finally just blocking people.

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This was my trajectory with Penzey’s.

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Jim "The Hammer" Shapiro, inspiration to 1990s law students like me, totally ripped off that nickname from Fred Williamson.

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Unfortunately I did catch Ruhle on Bill Maher, and I was a little amazed at how she blatantly said the quiet part, not only out loud, but screeching at the top of her lungs. We now have confirmation that the mainstream media believes it is their job to see that certain candidates get elected and certain candidates lose and their jobs should revolve around that function. Isn't that what Pravda and Tass were for?

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She was also unpleasantly smug and at times rude to Bret Stephens. I didn't know who she was but she rubbed me all the wrong ways.

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Do I have this right: Nuzzi sends racy pics to RFK. RFK blocks Nuzzi. Nuzzi cons RFK into unblocking her. Nuzzi sends more racy pics. MM says we need to explore the power dynamic. That what I heard?

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I think MM is getting info from Nuzzi on what happened but isn't telling.

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Yes, I respect MM more as a friend and less as an opiner on journalistic ethics. I’ve heard my friends say some crazy things if they think they have a shot…

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Wow, epic “Greeeetings!!!” today.

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I suppooze Kmele took his Adderall before reclerding.

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I feel thoroughly greeted (gret?).

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They say "you snooze you lose" and I've snost

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Am I too early to be in here?

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The door was open, and I’m on drugs, reading Beevor’s Second World War history.

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Which drugs and how’s the Second World War so far?

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Worst sequel since “Son of The Mask.”

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I skipped to the end. It….it gets *really* dark. 😰

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Umcommon street drugs, and the Second World War is going quite badly at the moment, Hitler is being a real shit.

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What does "uncommon street drugs" mean?

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RE: The much reported-on copious amounts of baby oil found at Diddy's house and the *stars they're just like us* comments from his attorney about buying in bulk "like many Americans," I'm reminded of my trips as a young wife to Costco predecessor Pace Membership Warehouse to regularly buy absolute boatloads of Polaroid film for my optometrist husband's then state-of-the-art retinal imaging camera.

Did I always feel compelled to explain to the cashier and anyone else in earshot what the non-sketchy purpose of all that film (totally private since you didn't have to send it out to develop) was? Yes, yes I did. And did they always believe me? Who knows, I might've seemed like a lady who doth protest too much but at least no one ever followed me out to the parking lot

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Thank you for discussing the epic to be published by the beloved TNC "The Message." We, the Israeli support group, rehashed it with the same incredulity as you guys did. The publications day is Oct 1, 2024. I'm sure the date is just a pure coincidence.

But what irked me the most besides the audacity, ignorance, and framing after a 10 day visit, is the incredible risk mentioned that he's taking. I'm sorry but what risk? I agree with Kmele - people will hang onto his every word and now it will be cemented as the truth because he SAW it. He'll be making millions on this book and even more because now he'll be an expert on Israel, so I'm not sure his position at the Atlantic will be compromised in any way, which Matt speculated on.

But thank you for discussing it. It's been bugging me since that piece came out and I cannot wait to read Coleman's piece as I will not be reading this book.

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"I might be slightly out of date but I don't think so" pretty much sums up Matt and Moynihan's taste in music

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Um, Michael, we prefer “racist half-Canadian guy” when referring to Slowhand. Give us some credit up here; it’s not just Nickelback and The Guess Who. Also, Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs and Blind Faith are good albums. I also like Cream. Don’t judge me.

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2 hrs agoLiked by Matt Welch

Layla is a good record. Bell Bottom Blues especially. It’s worth mentioning- Jim Gordon who apparently stole the Layla coda from Rita Coolidge (and was a great drummer who played on ALOT of stuff) - also killed his own mom in 1983. He was not well. After decades of being denied parole he died in prison last year. Bummer all around.

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The thing about Canada is there is a ton of good music coming from it! Our Lady Peace and Metric being probably my two favs?

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You are a person of taste!

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Why did I think Metric was English?

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Any discussion of Canadian cultural exports needs to include Neil.

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Wide Mouth Mason is the most underrated Canadian band of all time. Check em.

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I can’t believe I know this and am admitting it publicly, but there was a Joe Rogan podcast interview in 2017-2018 where Roseanne Barr talked about having brain damage from a car accident. In my favor, those years were probably the last time I listened to Rogan’s pod

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You are not alone.

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For me the most absurd part of the quote given from the book is the former rather than the latter: “All states at their core have a reason for existing, a moral story to tell; we certainly do.” What “reason for existing” or “moral story to tell” does England, say, purport to have? Is anyone in England claiming that the Celts (and then the Romans, then the Saxons, then the Vikings, then the Normans) were right and moral to invade the island? No, because that would be idiotic. Same for the French, the Italians, the Russians, and the Chinese. To claim otherwise - that the historically and militarily contingent coming to be of one’s state is virtuous - is the height of 19-century-style narcissistic nationalism, and to say that this is the global norm is the height of America-centrism.

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My disappointment when *the return of Tennessee* in the show notes was about Ta-Nehisi not my birthplace :/

Thanks for giving him the right thrashing he deserves fellas, anyone who compared him favorably to James Baldwin when he burst on the scene at the right time for his brand of punditry or whatever a decade ago is no thoughtful critic; as a writer he's not fit to wipe the more talented, nuanced & insightful Baldwin's boots imho

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Kmele, you would enjoy Hamilton.

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Kmele expressed zero desire to watch Hamilton. I'm with you Kmele. I gave up after 10 minutes. Musicals were never my thing but this was not engaging to me at all or fun or interesting. I suppose the creativity of Lin Manuel Miranda should be applauded (and it has beeb) but I never understood the monumental place it took in American culture. Maybe because I wasn't born here.

Matt said he wants to for the American history stuff. Hope we hear back once you do, Matt.

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I just got a text from Yolanda Robinson, the 2nd lady of NC, to tell me about her new video at

https://www.yolandarobinson.com/ She's got a Bible on the table next to her, so, of course, she's telling the truth when she says that really Mark's a great, honest guy. She's been silent for too long. I'm convinced! Come on NC voters, let's give him a chance. Yolanda says we should...

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This reminds me of the "Bloom County" storyline where Bill The Cat becomes a televangelist who assures viewers he's been forgiven for (motions around in all directions) so you should give him more money.

For the record "Bloom County" is pretty baffling and incomprehensible if you weren't lucky enough to grow up in the eighties - there's a reason the timeless "Calvin and Hobbes" and "The Far Side" have endured, while Opus the Penguin et al are forgotten - but I guarantee you it's still better than fucking "Doonesbury."

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