I want to make a buddy comedy starring Ben Dreyfus and Dan Crenshaw as a hesitant duo forced to team up by circumstances beyond their control. I’d call it ‘In the Kingdom of the Blind’ and feel way too clever for it.

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The mashup we need, but do not deserve

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Also gotta say: Moynihan is an excellent interviewer! Asks smart questions and lets the interviewee answer them. Doesn’t interject or interrupt in order to “get” someone. He might jump in, in a way any normal conversation would have that. It’s great!

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I don't know how much I agree or disagree with Crenshaw on politics, but on looks alone, I think he should absolutely be the president.

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He looks like Snake Pliskin went into government

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I want President Big Boss, what can I say

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Metal Gear?!

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Him running would be a more viable Republican candidate than what we’ve had

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Impressive guy. It’s rare to hear someone make such a strong and coherent case for conservative economics and for neo-conservative foreign policy. But his attempts to defend Trump were not so convincing, in my humble opinion.

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Kidding. Agree on all points.

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I really enjoyed this interview - super intelligent guy without being excessively wonky. Very skillful in making his arguments.

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His critique of populism is well known in his prior writing, statements, and in this podcast. There is no question that the direction of travel in populist politics from each party (and presidential candidates) is at odds with the logic of his choice to support Trump. Regardless of what he says, I am sure that on some fundamental base level he knows this and is choosing to put his principles aside for electoral expedience (i.e. he can't do the 'good things' he wants to do if he isn't electorally viable). He is not stupid at all. I quite appreciate him and his principles... but... ultimately he drags himself down to the level of the colleagues that he wants to consider himself apart from by not holding to his own words on populism and the rot it brings.

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Great interview!

Stuff like this lowers the cultural temperature a bit in my opinion.

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There is a lot to disagree with Crenshaw on policy, but he is very intelligent and has clearly thought through his own opinions and can make his own case very clearly and concisely with evidence. He also speaks very down to earth (to the point that I kept forgetting he was a politician during the interview). As others have said both Moynihan and Welch asked very good and interesting questions and gave him a lot of room to speak. Excellent episode as always.

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I don't think I've wanted to vote for anyone in a while, but I think someone who pisses off Tucker Carlson AND the Bulwark would get my vote by default.

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My son was born with bilateral congenital cataracts, had his lenses removed at 10 weeks and has been wearing contacts since. I happened to be reading Dan Crenshaw’s book during our son’s diagnosis. It was exactly what I needed at one of the most uncertain times in our lives. Every time I hear him speak about his eyes I cry and laugh all the way through. Although I don’t always align with Dan Crenshaw’s politics I’m forever rooting for him. This was one of my favorite interviews.

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Holy fuck Kmele.

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Motion to replace kmele with a rotating 3rd chair of Crenshaw or Spencer. That'll teach em to get air conditioning

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I’m dealing with an employee with attendance problems at work. I’m explaining to their direct supervisor that people don’t magically change into someone who wants to be there when they’re needed.

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Was Kmele at a conference? Or testifying to a grand jury about his old boss?


Stay safe out there

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Great interview, good questions and thoughtful cogent responses right up until the last 5 minutes when Crenshaw said about trans surgeries “you want to be a freak be a freak”, in context I 100% understand and agree with what he was communicating but his phrasing really let him down, and then not two minutes later he describes progressives and says “if you want to be a cat, be a cat”. For as good as he was at illustrating his economic and foreign policy opinions, he was just as dumb or more so with his cultural judgements.

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What the Hell did I do to you guys?

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Simmer down douchebag😁

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Moynihan's probably miffed that a girl he was chatting up got stolen by Tucker Maxx back in the bad old days.

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Me too!

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I wish there would have been some follow-up questions to Crenshaw assertion that "we know how Trump will govern," since he's already done it for four years. I assume that his assessment leaves out the "stop the steal" part of his presidency and also ignores the fact that there is no reason to assume that Trump will be as constrained a second go-round as he was the first time. Is there any reason to believe that he won't be surrounded by an ultra-MAGA crowd? And while their incompetence might prevent their success, it will sure be a bumpy ride.

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I was very surprised to hear he thinks populism "isn't winning yet" in the GOP. Then I remembered that he thought he might get back into combat as a SEAL with half an eye.

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That’s most SEALs man, there are guys that lose multiple limbs and the first thing they think about is how they will still be able to contribute to the team

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There is some precedent. The book Fearless is a memoir of Adam Brown who lost an eye in a training accident but was eventually able to join Development Group. Granted, he had at least one fully good eye

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I think that's a plurality of soldiers period, provided their emotional state doesn't take a turn.

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I don’t think Crenshaw is dishonest. But he’s delusional. You can’t say Trump is doing a foreign policy two-step when he orchestrated the Afghanistan withdrawal. I know Biden completed it and bungled it, but you can’t possibly think he won’t royally fuck a Dan Crenshaw worldview on foreign policy.

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Biden could have pulled out at any time. He wasn't bound by law. He didn't have to evacuate out of the civilian airport instead of the much more secure military base. He wanted to say on 9/11 they were out of Afghanistan and damn the consequences.

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Great interview. I think he misses Amash's point: Look at parliaments, arguments do happen and amendments are carried. He brings up a suspension bill, but that is bullshit. The "broad support" narrative is just political speak for "nobody gives a shit"

80% of congressional spending and true congressional action is done through omnibus bills at the 11th hour with no debate and no amendments.

Sure, your cute bill helps to win elections in Texas, but you sit on the sidelines and fall in party lines when impactful legislation comes to vote. Congress has given up the ghost to the executive.

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Kinda heavy on the military jargon. What's a retina?

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