First of all the white hot heat of being noticed by senpai will have an animating effect on the embers of creative spirit, and that's all your fault Matt. Second, the idea that Nancy would need a name tag anywhere within NYC limits reminds me of the warning they put on MRE chemical heaters which I interpret as "STOVE IS NOT A CRACKER". Sure there are people who need to be told this, but also let nature take it's course. Anywho, thank you for the attaboy, feels good.

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Mary Katharine used every trick of decorum and civility taught to us Southern Christian women and all the skills of professionalism learned at UGA to keep her eyes from rolling out the side of her head at everything Cuomo said. Nice job MK!

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I'm so glad that style writer Leandra Medine Cohen (hyperlinked above) found a new albeit much smaller outlet for her work on Substack after being cancelled from Man Repeller, her own wildly popular, innovative & growing creation, in the summer of (guess when?) 2020. I watched in disbelief as the whole thing went down online and I remember it as a particularly egregious witch hunt of that insanely fevered time

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Nancy looks like she belongs at Studio 54.

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My question is in what suburban Virginia parking garage will Matt "Deep Throat" Welch schedule a clandestine meeting with a Senate Judiciary Committee member to hand over a thick manila folder labeled "The TFC RFK-jay Files"?

P.S. Lots of good stuff here as always, thanks Matt; I especially liked the Mounk piece

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The decoding the gurus pod has had 2 good episodes now in which they had short segments discussing the fifth column in a fair but critical. Unfortunately they are both behind pay walls.

One was on moynihan's very soft ball interview with Megyn Kelly and the other was on the recent zoom episode where moynihan was discussing the free press and why they're successful and how they achieve such balanced and interesting coverage.

Both the hosts talk about how they have been fans of fifth and how they do have interesting takes at time, but they highlight they're increasing sycophancy for heterodox pundits and their general skew that very effectively drums up outrage for the left and mainstream media, but increasingly shows major blindspots for people in their own alternative media sphere and a kind of knee jerk both sides conflating of the right and left. This is made more irritating by their constant presentation as down the line, fair minded critics who can call a ball how it lands. They also go on to say that the fifth probably will have some harsh critiques of Trump administration later on, but they will likely hold the same general skew and show a general unwillingness/blindspots for their own media world.

I think it their critique pretty well hits the nail on the head. I know how the hosts regard such critiques as being stupid attempts to persecute people who don't exactly align with the right level of hysteria against trump. I think this is a stupid response. These folks in their criticism are highlighting the skew of your media, just like you all do with the mainstream. Some are more fair than others, but it is silly how you all want to pretend that your above such blind spots and partisan allegiances.

It is trivially easy to see the skew of the free press and it was comical to hear moynihan bring up Douglas Murray's ww1 poetry as a refutation of the claim that they don't have a right wing skew. It is true that they're not a Maga outlet, but they're whole thing is bringing on disaffected leftist to talk about how bad the left is. They don't really have left wing representation in spite of what they say. Pretty much all of their right wing criticism is couched in terms of their being an over reaction to Trump and they very willing to indulge full on Maga takes. They choose to fixate on any and every trivial culture war thing that paints the left as authoritarian, well often entirely ignoring the much bigger and obvious authoritarian moves of the right.

You all are better than the free press, but I think you all have tapped into the same vein as the free press and continually pulled in that direction by your media bias and audience pull. In spite of the constant assertion that your media world values ideologic diversity, you all have done a really pits poor job of cultivating such diversity. I think you would be better served actually engaging with your fair minded critics rather than dismissing them as idiots who are affected by group think and partisan allegiances. Also, stop looking at your audience numbers as confirmation of you objective reporting.

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Can someone please send Ayan a decent Sennheiser mic, her audio quality is extremely poor in all of her remote experiences and it doesn't have to be. Maybe I'll start a gofundme to hear Ayan good

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That’s rough about Schellenberger. I haven’t been keeping up with him lately, but I thought San Fransicko was a really good book.

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Nov 18
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Omg I’m totally wrong 🤦‍♀️ it’s the guy from Gilmore Girls! 😂

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you'll get MW and MM interested by mentioning the baseball connection.

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No way!!!

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