I'm no intellectual, but one thing I know for certain is that the writer of that email is nursing a banger of a hangover to this day. Oof.

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Did one of you send that email to yourselves?

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The email is actually from the episode when Matt was too drunk to record

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Emailer deserves a pulitzer. 🥲

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The only reason I could parse through that truly amazing email is I worked with a teacher would would send similar (no really, quite similar) emails once a week or so to all staff in the middle of the night. It became the highlight of my week. I was sad when he retired.

Keep dancing, pony boy! I'd love to see this person on an ayahuasca trip.

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I gave Batya a lot of benefit of the doubt but at this point, if I want state propaganda, I'll take it from the source. I don't need the middleman.

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She's either a shill or is totally delusional and I honestly don't know which one is correct. Donald Trump could shit his pants on live television and, without missing a beat, she'd say "Donald Trump is literally expelling the shit from government. This is what the working class coalition that elected him wants - the shit out of their lives and I for one appreciate his total honesty and, let's be real, vulnerability."

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No notes on what you just said. Chef's kiss.

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Might just be the horseshoe theory of politics makes for strange bedfellows. One that I have been noticing more is progressive support for Trump because of his willingness to go after the "deep state" especially things like the FBI.

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I love Batya, but her take is insane. Never mind the fact that a ton of the money spent goes directly to American arms manufacturers, thereby supporting American industry. (Also, about 2/3 of Americans support Ukraine.)

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She was worse on Honestly. MAGA ChatGPT.

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Yes the ‘used and abused’ line. Give the fuck over Batya. In what universe is the USA ‘used and abused’?

I think a lot of commentators and quite a lot of Americans get a bit pissed off with people not taking US propaganda about their motives at all seriously. You’re the big imperial power. Just embrace it. If any state is doing a bit of ‘using and abusing’ then it’s always the richest one with the military nobody dares to seriously challenge. Don’t act like you’re doing anyone else a favour and remember that NATO was formed at the behest of the US for exactly the reasons John Bolton set out in his chat with Matt and Michael.

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Didn't hear Bolton come up with any actual reasons why it continues to be principally for US interests. He just said it was because it is in US interests. But he didn't say what interests or how it supports them. So if you got that or you have an idea, please let me know. And then I'd like to know how that outweighs how it supports European interests, which are obvious on the face of things. Genuinely wondering,

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Principally it has been used (unwisely) as a vehicle for US policy towards Russia. Mainly trying to undermine it. Never a great idea with a country that already has a gargantuan persecution complex and pretty open ambitions within what it considers to be its sphere of influence.

Secondary advantages are the ready-made US-compatible forces which can bolster US operations and capabilities around the world - see, eg, Afghanistan and Iraq, forward deployed assets that enable swift US power projection from bases in Europe, a very handy accounting justification for cost offsets because NATO has to buy a lot of kit from US companies to satisfy compatibility requirements and even the main platforms are pushed very hard from the US - see, eg, the F35 programme. And finally it allows the US to exert considerable control over the foreign policy of member states. It simply doesn’t countenance any member truly going it alone without sanction from Washington and this is well understood.

Edited to add - I’m not saying all of this is necessarily good, in fact a lot of it has been outright calamitous, not least for the ordinary citizens of Ukraine. I also don’t think Americans should be obliged to subsidise anyone else’s defence. I’m not even convinced that it has much ongoing utility to the ordinary citizens of the US. What is galling to ordinary Europeans is for the US state, albeit because of a change in administration, to now run the argument that NATO is a European undertaking that has led the United States astray.

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And what no one was expecting, the email writer is George Will and that's his latest column.

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Matt, you’ve been had: Kmele wrote that email.

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With all the shit going on in the WH these days, I wonder, where is Suzie Wiles? We were told when Trump appointed her CoS that she would rule with an iron fist and would tolerate no shit.

Is she even alive? Does she even exist? Is there an AI construct sitting at her desk?

I voted None of the Above and I live in the most electorally significant state (PA) so I own none of this, as I hated all the candidates. But this is awful. What a shitshow.

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What a stupid question from Philip. Can you believe it? Philip is a total loser who doesn't know what they're talking about. Nasty person, very low IQ. But let me tell you about my friend Jim - great guy, very successful. He owns this beautiful golf course in Florida. Speaking of Florida, the alligators there are getting bigger, folks. Huge! Almost as big as the crowds at my rallies. Nobody draws crowds like Trump, believe me. The losers. They ask a lot of dumb questions, folks. It's embarrassing, really


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The spirit of that long drunken message was fantastic. The power of music, man

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The firehose is really all I ever need and I appreciate the work you do putting it together each week Matt. 3 not 10 new sign-ups smdh, I don't know why more people aren't pursuing you like they did the queens at the drag show I attended in Key West last week (that is with a fist full of dollars) to go NFC; the services you provide are arguably even more valuable than a tucked crotch in the face but I digress. Thanks for all the links and the indescribably beautiful email

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That email is the “Common Sense” of our time 🫡

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I've never emailed the show, and now I know I don't have to. It's all been said. Bravo.

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Mike Solana often talks about building a giant Statue of Liberty, Freedom, or Some-Such in San Francisco Bay, to renew the American spirt as represented by our lovely Lady in New York. (Thank you, France). Rather than that famous sonnet by Emma Lazarus, the new West Coast statue should be adorned with this bit of poetry by our anonymous emailer.


And it's time for a cease fire in the culture war

Because if what I just heard was rhe product of multi racial multicultural America

we need to end this shit and star pursuing an exceptionalism that TRANSENDS any

one of us and is so great we are lucky to be a part of it


I literally shed a tear of American pride when I read this. It's gonna be a great weekend.

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This was Thaddeus Russell emailing wasn’t it.

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Put that 10 year old TV show Matt won't shut up about in the blank space for Matt and Kmele.

And get well soon emailer! That made more morning.

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I’m going to make “congratulations, ✨ bitch ✨” my text message alert sound

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