Addendum for those who want to hear the throw-down between economist Cowen and psychologist (and-proud to say- Technoskeptic subscriber!)-Jon Haidt on pernicious effects of smartphones on kids and what's to be done about em can be found by going to "Conversations with Tyler" podcast here. https://podbay.fm/p/conversations-with-tyler/e/1712145600.

The Firehose link was to the Cowen's Marginal Revolutions blog, which has the transcript of the convo. But if we were gonna read transcripst, we wouldn't be Fif listeners!

Btw, how about some Fif events West of the Mississippi, FFS! Damn east coast ELITES!

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Late to this, and I do like Tyler, but he came off as obstinate and naive in this one. I can’t believe he sidestepped Haidt’s parry about 11-year-olds accessing porn.

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Yes please come South!

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More everywhere

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Fucking 1100 eastern time! You bastards!

See you at 0800, pacific time.

p.s. fuck all y’all.

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Matt Welch's West Coast self loathing does it to us again.

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Apr 13Liked by Matt Welch

The band Nerf Herder, their name taken from a line in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back [1], is best known for performing the theme to Buffy the Vampire Slayer. [2]

1. https://youtu.be/H6xhIAs9AVI?feature=shared

2. https://youtu.be/Ibc6CBRIjnQ?feature=shared

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Shit, I didn’t know this, I remember them from the song about becoming disillusioned with Van Halen (appropriately titled Van Halen)

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Parry Gripp is an interesting guy. Santa Barbara almost makes me wanna check out the central California coast.

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Apr 13Liked by Matt Welch

Last night was so fun! Thank you for making it happen. Sorry the one of two women in attendance did not make the photo.!

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I literally just started chanting VINCENT VINCENT VINCENT at a profoundly loud volume

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Apr 13Liked by Matt Welch

Vincent represented ! It was great seeing you all

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It's always made me sad that the incredibly-voiced Kevin Ridel of Ridel High never became a huge star. After his namesake band, he formed AM Radio (which Rivers Cuomo managed for a time) and released an incredible debut record on a major label called "Radioactive." When that underperformed, the band basically fell apart with their bassist leaving to join Lifehouse. Last I heard, Kevin found god and his music is more Christian rock than nerd rock.

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I am starting to nurse an idea about an alternative “horseshoe theory”: that if you think to long about a subject you end up coming to as bizarre conclusions the same as if you think too little about it. There exists as Goldilocks zone that isn’t necessarily correct but is not actually psychotic around it.

I think this explains much of the “IDW” stuff: one cannot stare too long into the Möbius Strip before it distorts your soul.

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The more I think about it the more your idea makes sense.

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That's a lot of good looking people (men...) over there. See you folks in August!

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Most gays dream of meeting some muscled Greco-Roman prototype. Me? I'm looking for a Fif fan who is easy on the eye. Assuming that handsome devil in the photograph is of the hetero persuasion and also based across the ocean? Dammit all to hell!

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That wasn't a diss at women...

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Oh, I know, I was just joking. (I am the only woman in the picture!)

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Oh hai! Represent ✊

Look forward to meeting you in August

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Yea I didn't make it.

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It was really nice to meet you yesterday!

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Apr 13Liked by Matt Welch

Great meeting both of you!

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Any chance those of us in Massachusetts who are either too poor or too married to donate $1000 to Reason and pay the $2300 registration fee can buy you a drink while you are in town for Reason Weekend?

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Verrrrrrry outside chance I'll be avail post-Red Sox game Wednesday night....

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Not sure if I personally can swing a late weeknight like that but I've heard from at least a few in Mass Fifdom who would be down.

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Starting at 10:30 or so on a school night might be more than I can swing but I'll keep my eyes peeled for any updates on this.

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Count me in for this!

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At church time?? You heathens!

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Well, today's topic, self destruction

It really ain't the rap audience that's bugging

It's one or two suckers, ignorant brothers

Trying to rob and steal from one another

You get caught in the mid

So to crush the stereotype here's what we did

We got ourselves together

So that you could unite and fight for what's right

Not negative 'cause the way we live is positive

We don't kill our relatives

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I’m not saying I won’t be awake at 11am today, I’m just saying I have plans to buy fancy donuts at the farmer’s market so I guess I’ll catch you next time you invite the middle class to the zoom. Are regular paying folxxxxxx not NFC but not coach either? Comfort+?

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Several things can be true at once. Ukraine has a right to defend itself against invasion. Isreal should always be free to defend itself against terrorists. AND U.S. foreign policy makers are not to be believed. Neither what they (or whoevers ear they own in the media) say or what actions they chose to take should be taken at face value. These places should be able to defend themselves without asking our permission or taking US taxpayer dollars to send back to US defense companies. This is obviously a corrupt system that will perpetuate violence around the world if we let it contine.

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Great bar choice. Hope you went to Twin Anchors after for some ribs, and then hit up the bars on Wells Street for Moynihan’s sake

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The first time I heard Ozma, it was their song ‘Baseball’. And I couldn’t believe, as dicey a legal pursuit as it might have been for the plaintiffs, that Weezer hadn’t sued them.

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