
Lol and here I thought my novel length comments over in the cozy side room of Smoke'em would only victimize it's hosts. I hope I don't end up losing my "LA privileges" along with whatever howling phantod managed to get MATT of all people to cut him off. Must have been biblical. Thanks for the nod all the same. Gives me the fuzzies.

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It was like reading Ulysses: endless, difficult, confusing.

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*the banned commenter, not you! Love the I want YOU to smoke 'em sketch especially!

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It's easy to see the banned commenter because he is the one with "banned" by his name now in earlier posts. As Jane's Addiction once said, "Ted, Just Admit It".

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I have this quote "LEAVE IT ON THE BOARD!" coming into my head right now and I have no idea where it's from.

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Lovely story, Cluis :)

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aww thanks! I would insert an embarrassed / blushing emoji here but I have yet to unlock that power as of yet apparently, so instead you get: :)

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“Howling fantod” — I see you 🙏🏻

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One of a few things lodged in my brain from that book. But the mood remains. :)

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Apr 22Liked by Matt Welch

A real treasure trove of recommendations this week! Thanks, Matt 👍

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"Speaking of Comments/Chats: After nearly two years, we have had to for the first time revoke the commenting/chatting privileges of one paying customer. Hopefully the last one. Please don’t be a dick, relentlessly, to other members of the community, then continue to do so after being serially asked to behave in more relatably human fashion. Not hard!"

Thank fuck!

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Who got banned?

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If you go back to the last episodes comments you can still see the guy, it just says banned next to his name. As Chuck wrote, he was a relentless dick to people in the comments for a few weeks at least.

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I wasn't even following the comments in that thread but he was my first guess.

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Guessing Pom Tendergast.

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My only criticism of the batya interview is that y’all didn’t have a link to her book in the show notes.

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Which is a stylistic choice for the show notes, but I still think it would be valuable for audience to have the link.

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Did a double take at the subtitle of this edition as I happen to be tuning in from Kenya this week. I just came from a meeting in the local office’s “Simba” room. I often feel the guys are speaking right to me, but before today I meant it figuratively.

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I'm afraid I must here point out what I thought when he first said it. Eli Lake mis-characterized anarchism as extreme individualists who are opposed to all group associations. Not true. Anarchists are opposed to all hierarchical and artificial group structures as they believe they are inherently coercive. In fact many anarchists believe government impedes the type of voluntary group associations all humans would naturally engage in, if left to their own devices. So in essence there is nothing contradictory about anarchist meetings.

P.S. No, I am not an anarchist, yes I am a really annoying pedantist.

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Was I the commenter who got booted?

Nope, guess not.

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Am I supposed to know who the women are in the top photo? I don't recognize them and don't see a caption.

(I have not yet listened to the Reason Debate, so apologies if they're featured there.)

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Great links. Thanks for the Buckley doc 🫡

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