I want to clarify that, despite the nose ring, I have normal Middle East opinions.

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Jun 8Liked by Matt Welch

I was at that debate and said hi to Kmele afterwards (Kmele, if you're reading this, I'm the telescope guy). It was a tough crowd (87-13 against to start), but he won them over through a mix of appeals to nuance, a libertarian "you don't trust government but you want *more* police and *more* government agencies?" argument, and just being so. damn. charismatic. A+ would watch again.

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Jun 8Liked by Matt Welch

See the NY Fifdom at the Ask a Jew hangout on Sunday! No sheep or sneks allowed.

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Matt showing up to work on a SUNDAY and his daughter’s BIRTHDAY. 🙌🙌🙌

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In fairness, not her *birthday*, but birthday *party*.

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Jun 8Liked by Matt Welch

We need an Eli Lake Spotify playlist of all his AI generated songs.

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Jun 8Liked by Matt Welch

That was a good appearance. Started it out with a banger.

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Did not know Gray was fired. The "eye roll" was a common explanation, but I'm guessing that's a convenient cover. She ruined every segment; The Hill could not have been pleased with her. A one-trick pony always landing, regardless of the topic, on some perceived bigot(s) performing oppression on one of her favored groups. Every time. And she would go on and on and on. Add to that the interruptions and... good riddance.

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Jun 9Liked by Matt Welch

Matt Welch,"that's not my journey" on Real Time, hilarious. Thank you for that. Also I have a request. If you guys can get Maher on the podcast. Please ask him about his father and his role in the D-Day campaign.

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Magic Wade's chat contribution suggests that a pretty, pretty good remake of Seinfeld could be based on the Fifdom's Moynihan dreams. Maybe Eli Lake can transfer his AI songwriting skills into AI sitcoms? He'll just need to accept that, in this bizarro Fifth Column Seinfeld universe, Eli is Newman.

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First two thoughts I had:

"but who would be Kramer?"

"... Obviously Ben Dreyfuss"

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Jun 8Liked by Matt Welch

Michael (Jerry): "and then she called me a 'blond Zionist.'"

Nancy (Elaine):"Has she seen blond hair before?"

M: "Or a Zionist?"

N: "It's not like you can tell a Zionist just by looking."

Ben Dreyfuss, bursting into the apartment wearing a full IDF uniform, lipstick stain on the collar: "hey guys"

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On second thought, assuming Moynihan is Jerry, then Eli probably is better cast as Uncle Leo. Who, then, is Newman, Monynihan's annoying nemesis? Or Kenny Bania? Lord help me that this doesn't become my own Moynihan dream.

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Norman Finklestein

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“Hello, *Norman*…”

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Brie Brie is Newman of course

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I see BJG as Crazy Joe Davola. Crazy Joy!

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"progressive District Attorney Chesa Boudin". I have an issue with the word progressive, because I don't really know what it means, especially when it gets applied to people/things that seem anti-progress, but I'll allow it for Boudin, because he's the only person on the planet with four parents who are all terrorists.

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When the history of our time is rendered in stage musical form, "Our Friends Hamas" will be Brianna's soaring lead, featuring both a mumble-rap interlude from Jeremy Corbyn and an audience participation section, in which punters will be encouraged to roll their eyes at The Jews and their lies, or whatever.

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NEED that AI track in my music library

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It’s time for an AI Lake Bandcamp acct. He also dropped a new yacht rock adjacent song about Biden’s age on the commentary podcast yesterday.

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8

Great that Abigail Shrier was on, she's fantastic. I won't be able to bring myself to watch as the same audience will now applaud her as, I suspect, would usually want to be seen to support the trans cult despite it's assault on women's lives and mutilation of children, but delighted to hear she was on...

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I'm not so hot on Shrier - strong Tipper Gore vibes there. Even though she raises valid questions about gender medicine, she's an advocate for "gender-critical" ideology, which in my estimation is every bit as cult-like as genderist "queer" ideology. I think between the queer extremists and the gender-crits, they both manage to suck all of the oxygen out of the room, and it's a big reason why our society hasn't reached reasonable policies on things like gender medicine and transwomen in sports.

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I’m afraid I dont know anything about Tipper Gore beyond her bizarre campaign against song lyrics, maybe she also had something to say about the subject of gender, in her day presumably Bowie, Boy George, Boy Marylin, ALL of whom knew they were men of course. If you’re just comparing it to Gore’s song lyric campaign it’s important to remember her campaign was built on a fiction whereas Shrier’s is founded on research both her own and Dr Debra Soh and, of course, the bleedin’ obvious. The trans movement has gone from a minuscule percentage of people to a social

contagion (as with many fashions). A few years ago it was “dysphoria” but when was the last time you heard that word used? Then it was that someone could be one thing in the morning, another at noon, and another in the afternoon. So how could that be if someone is "born in the wrong body”? Was it the right body at noon? This is mental illness, it is delusion and people with this delusion do not need it confirmed any more than a skinny girl with anorexia needs to be told she’s the size of a cow or a schizophrenic should be told that the voices are real.

Who is most affected? Teenage girls because teenage girlsls are most affected by in group/out group dynamics. Males who have donned this fashion generally paint their nails, wear eyeliner or throw on a wig and skirt expecting others to accommodate their delusion, giving them a sexual thrill. Interesting to notice the yelling, abusive, violent men with beards and wigs aggressively attacking and threatening rape and violence on women particularly. Do those aggressive attributes sound male or female???The males generally do not go in for surgery unless its a genuine case of dysphoria, but you currently have young girls becoming medical subjects for life; lopping off body parts, mutilating themselves for the profit of an out of control medical experiment.

We have a record number of rapes in prison because males with a history of sexual violence are being placed in female-“only” prisons. We have males taking girls places and medals in sport, that means scholarships, that means aspirations and hard work being thrown aside and a young woman’s life-chances being thwarted in favor of a man’s. That is not fair or right. In the UK Eddie Izzard (who used to describe himself as a male “executive transvestite”) who has run for UK parliament as a woman on Labor’s “all-women” shortlist. If trans people want an olympics, fine, have your own olympics we’ll see the audience size. but we cannot tolerate what occurred last time which was men placed on hormone treatment to reduce their testosterone . The irony of this was that the level they were required to reduce it to would have got any ACTUAL woman disqualified. I don’t want Michal’s gymnastic daughter or her friends in ANY discipline to have to take a back seat to men. There can be no compromise on this any more than there can be a moral compramise on slavery though some are comfortable with our exploitation of foreign populations to create the trash of the future on Walmart’s shelves.

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I'm loathe to dance while Brie Brie was given the pink slip, since I generally do not rejoice over anyone losing their job. Also, I was not a big fan of Rising...well I liked it when Krystal and Saager were on it, but when they left, I felt like the Hill was just trying too hard. (Oddly enough, I tried to get into Breaking Points but their constant pleading for money drove me away. I live in NYC and deal with the homeless, I don't need this on the internet).

Regarding cellphones in schools. This should be an absolute no brainer. I work in a small NYC public high school. We collect phones when students enter and return them at the end of the day. It is a seamless process and makes teaching a lot easier.

Now, I did spend a year at Stuyvesant, as an ATR. Think of it like a sub, but I wasn't a sub. I noticed there students all had their phones on them and never pulled them out in class, unless they had permission from teachers. I imagine the culture of that school was so competitive and the rules were so regulated that students did not wish to break the boundaries.

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9

You are lucky; when I bring up cellphones, my student's parents tell me I should make my teaching more interesting......

But hey, at least as a public employee I don't get paid based on results.

Thanks to all the taxpayers out there.

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IDK what level you teach, but their scores on the Regents are part of my evaluations.

But I feel for you. Hell, I would love if I were able to even contact parents. Most times their numbers do not work.

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I teach Spec-Ed English 9-10

All of this is why I am in favor of school choice and am not part of the union.

Parent contact is hard for us too; about 1/3 of our IEP meetings don't happen as scheduled.

Enjoy your summer

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I don't support school choice because I am skeptical of it. I'm not sure how it would even work, but I am not going to get into it. I know the audience here. I generally think the union does the best it can, it could do a better job, but given that unions don't have as much influence as they used to, it's better than not having one. Of course, some unions are worse than others.

Two more weeks!

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I enjoyed the overtime segment. I agreed with most of what Matt said. I thought his Trump commentary was pretty on point. I get where he is coming from with all new outlets going under and not providing a marketable product or however you would say it. I am starting to though that marketable news does not create the best product, in the sense that it doesn't favor in depth, objective reporting. It tends to be click baity crap. I think news outlets feeling they need to pander to an audience comes at the detriment of view point diversity and objectivity. I think this is big part of the problem with independent media sources. They feel compelled to feed their audience what they want to hear. That eventually starts conflicting with objectivity and representing diverse view points. I think the free press ends up being a good example of this. They tout the values of view point diversity and objectivity endlessly, but inevitably they churn out they same stories from the same angles from people with almost indistinguishable views. Not quite sure what the antidote is and I know main stream media has its fault, but I don't think the alternative independent media is any better. If anything I think it exasperated these issues and created insular information communities.

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Funny, I really had no idea who the Joy person was prior to the "Debate" (Hesitate to use that term as it was just an unmoderated stream of word pissing of the 2 on the left side of the stage) But just this week realize she was the one ( I believe you linked to) when Robbie Suave (yes I spell it that way because... well Gerardo I guess) went off on The Hill show many months ago. But by watching that interaction (Moynahan could take a lesson from Suave one how to get that one to stop talking BTW) my YouTube page would recommend The Hill to me several times a week. I have watched the Robbie Show with Amber Duke many times so I just assumed it was the same show, clicked on The Hill again earlier this week and saw "The Face Of Joy" and thought , "Wait? What? Nooooo sir-eee bob"and deleted it from ever showing up again in my feed. Now you come to us with the delightful news of her being thrown to the side. I can dream that "Maybe" that one last click of my (Of who I assume was many) YouTube cancellation lead to her demise from that channel can't I?

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