Substack needs to work on their tech. Everytime Moyn talked over Josh, Josh sound would be like "mmuhh-mum muh muuh". You know how usually when people converse they talk over each other a little, but you can still follow along? Not so here. Josh sounded okay until Moyn interjects, then Josh's sound is f-ed up for a second, and you know how Moyn interjects. Still enjoyable.
Will you guys also put out a recording later or is this the only chance to listen in?
Plz let there be a recording
I want to know this too
Waaaay too risqué and incriminating for a recording
Wake up ya c@nts!
You misspelled “cunts.”
<oldfart>Grr, only on my phone and crappy 9:16 aspect ratio!</oldfart>
<olderfart>I'm not installing another damn app to watch a video</olderfart>
How to listen after the fact?
Substack needs to work on their tech. Everytime Moyn talked over Josh, Josh sound would be like "mmuhh-mum muh muuh". You know how usually when people converse they talk over each other a little, but you can still follow along? Not so here. Josh sounded okay until Moyn interjects, then Josh's sound is f-ed up for a second, and you know how Moyn interjects. Still enjoyable.
Do Australian gays not sound gay like Americans?
Dammit I hate that I just missed this because I was running around trying to find a doner kebab. Not a complete loss but still
Sadly I’ll be working/or in transit. Surely it will be aired later, yes?
Two of my favorite substackers.