Dear Vincent (immigration lawyer): why do you fear your/our rights are in jeopardy by sending illegals back? They aren’t yet citizens. There should be different expectations as to Constitutional protections, no? On another note, just saw that Lex Fridman’s latest podcast is a debate between and amongst Norman Finkelstein, Benny Morris, Mouin Rabbani and Destiny. I am both intrigued and repelled. I can barely bring myself to listen to Finkelstein these days. He speaks with such agony, and once he gets it out, I want to vomit. And then Destiny is the complete opposite, spewing with Ben Shapiro alacrity. How to manage listening for 5 HOURS?! I’m spent just thinking about it. But I am stoked that it may inspire more Moynihan impersonations! ;)
If I may be so bold as to answer for Vincent, he answers the "why" - it's not the sending illegals back that would jeopardize our rights, it's just that it would require a full-on "Ihre Papiere bitte" police state in order to separate all the illegals from regular citizens.
I’m all for your being bold. I don’t think enforcing laws on the books and bolstering security at the border means we go to a police state. I think it’s quite reasonable for citizens to expect tight security at their country’s border. At official entry points, with standards in place and as slow-moving as it may be, it should be relatively straightforward to figure out who is just coming back home and who has never been here before. Where people are launching themselves over and under barbed wire, we have to send them back or through the official channels. There’s no question that it’s out of control and we must step up measures to staunch the seemingly frictionless flow at the porous entry points.
What you're saying isn't at odds with Vincent's letter - he was just pointing out that the extreme position of "round them all up and send them all back" isn't possible short of implementing a police state.
We could and should do better at the border, as you suggest.
Kinda surprised Bolton made the list of decent people. He WAS an infamous dick bag to people who worked for him. In fact, he tried to get a CIA analyst on loan to the State Department fired when the analyst refused to cook the books to suggest that Cuba had an active bioweapons program merely because there was no evidence that Cuba had a bioweapons program. So Bolton wasn't just a dickbag, he was a genuinely bad actor trying to pervert the intelligence process to support the policy outcome he wanted (kinda like Dick Cheney in that regard).
Listening to the gents put me to sleep too! In a really good way.
I always go back to listen to the parts I missed.
100% effective for me.
"Deep pockets and short arms." I've never heard this phrase but I love it and it gave me a good chuckle!
Fantastic mail bag! What a community!
I believe his full name is Brother Cornel West. Thanks for a very fun and entertaining episode on Monday of that other podcast you host.
Matt, honest to God, how do you keep up? I say that in awe. 😊
Compensating for lack of audio-editing skills.
You need to hire an audio guy. You can't afford Kmele.
Moynihan is the audio guy. Though sometimes certain of his co-podcasters do not, ah, give him the proper materials to work with.
Poor talented Paul Giamatti out here catching sex tourism strays
Honestly, it's a sins-of-the-father situation.
What’s your beef with Bart? Letting Pete Rose withdraw instead of throwing the book at him?
feels like i just read classified information lol
That list of people who exceeded your expectations sounds like a hell of a get together.
Guess my fat ass needs a cuba vacation
Dear Vincent (immigration lawyer): why do you fear your/our rights are in jeopardy by sending illegals back? They aren’t yet citizens. There should be different expectations as to Constitutional protections, no? On another note, just saw that Lex Fridman’s latest podcast is a debate between and amongst Norman Finkelstein, Benny Morris, Mouin Rabbani and Destiny. I am both intrigued and repelled. I can barely bring myself to listen to Finkelstein these days. He speaks with such agony, and once he gets it out, I want to vomit. And then Destiny is the complete opposite, spewing with Ben Shapiro alacrity. How to manage listening for 5 HOURS?! I’m spent just thinking about it. But I am stoked that it may inspire more Moynihan impersonations! ;)
If I may be so bold as to answer for Vincent, he answers the "why" - it's not the sending illegals back that would jeopardize our rights, it's just that it would require a full-on "Ihre Papiere bitte" police state in order to separate all the illegals from regular citizens.
I’m all for your being bold. I don’t think enforcing laws on the books and bolstering security at the border means we go to a police state. I think it’s quite reasonable for citizens to expect tight security at their country’s border. At official entry points, with standards in place and as slow-moving as it may be, it should be relatively straightforward to figure out who is just coming back home and who has never been here before. Where people are launching themselves over and under barbed wire, we have to send them back or through the official channels. There’s no question that it’s out of control and we must step up measures to staunch the seemingly frictionless flow at the porous entry points.
What you're saying isn't at odds with Vincent's letter - he was just pointing out that the extreme position of "round them all up and send them all back" isn't possible short of implementing a police state.
We could and should do better at the border, as you suggest.
Kinda surprised Bolton made the list of decent people. He WAS an infamous dick bag to people who worked for him. In fact, he tried to get a CIA analyst on loan to the State Department fired when the analyst refused to cook the books to suggest that Cuba had an active bioweapons program merely because there was no evidence that Cuba had a bioweapons program. So Bolton wasn't just a dickbag, he was a genuinely bad actor trying to pervert the intelligence process to support the policy outcome he wanted (kinda like Dick Cheney in that regard).
We’ve had many interesting green-room conversations over the years, is all.
Matt, how do we get that “Appreciate America” poster?
The actual reason why is that America is an awesome place where hard work and some wits will make you rich.
I'm not sure what you mean by 'ethnocentric'. America is not an ethnostate.