I guess the best complement I can give TFC is every time I think I am out, they pull me back in. I am not a political person, I don't vote and I really don't follow the news. It just doesn't have any interest or relevancy for me. I do like listening to some political podcasts like BAR though, but after listening to them for a short while I also start to get the feeling I am wallowing in masochism by listening to stories about humans being their absolute stupidest. So I would make the decision to try and cut all politics and news out of my life. That would include TFC. I canceled my membership more than a few times.

It never lasted. I had to accept I just like listening to the show. It's an enjoyable part of my week and that is all that matters. Not only that, I like it here. When someone is a socially isolated person even the smallest of positive interactions can be such a helpful thing. The likes on my comments go a long way in my day. Because of my mental health issues I have certain sensitivities that the toxic nature of the Internet sometimes really gets to. I have had to leave sites I have otherwise enjoyed just because I can't tolerate the casual negativity. Ironically the podcast and the comments are one of my safe spaces where I can feel I can participate without fear.

So thank you to the boys and the listeners for being a beacon of normalcy and sanity in what seems to be an increasingly unraveling world.

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May 7Liked by Matt Welch

The news is all bad news for my mental health too. TFC is the spoonful of sugar that helps the news go down. Their banter makes the negativity of it all fade away.

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I think you meant whiskey. Spoonful of whiskey.

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May 7·edited May 7

It's a weirdly positive podcast, when it so easily could be an unending litany of doom, even during one of the especially serious episodes.

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May 7Liked by Matt Welch

Thank you for all you do, Matt!!

Please continue the spirit of TFC Year of Ladies with Megan McArdle (the good McArdle) and Nellie Bowles, who I hear has a book out any day now. And come to think of it, it’s been a long time since the once-frequent guest who households with Nellie was on.


- we were promised a Barro, and we continue to demand a Barro

- Scott Lincicome

- Russ Roberts

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I'll second Megan McArdle. And Scott Lincicome would be great. Has Kevin D. Williamson ever been on? He would be fun.

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Another vote here for McArdle.

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All you mentioned are excellent suggestions.

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May 7Liked by Matt Welch

Congratulations, Matt, and sincere thanks to you, the other lads, and everyone in the Fifdom (except that one guy, if he’s still lurking).

After Kat and Batya, the only name left on my wish list of guests — having removed a certain someone who only argues in, ahem, bad faith — is Ana Kasparian. BUT today I’m adding: Ayishat Akanbi, Brianna Wu, Bridget Phetasy, Erec Smith, and Wilfred Reilly.

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Yes second Bridget. Met her this past weekend and she's delightful and is really perplexed (as are we) why she hasn't made an appearance on TFC.

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Third this! I don't subscribe to her stuff but listen to her podcast occasionally. In a weird way where people on the internet aren't tangible people, I love her story arc! Glad to hear she's a great in person.

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In addition to TFC, Dumpster Fire, thanks to Bridget, Maggie, and Sammy, helped keep me sane-ish through 2020 and beyond.

This was Bridget’s seminal piece in The Spectator, The Battle Cry of the Politically Homeless:


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Fif this I think, maybe counting wrong, me no smart this early morn. Guest oppo for Bridget please, then historic crossover event with Moynihan on Dumpster Fire.

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Wilfred Reilly!

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May 7Liked by Matt Welch

I will upgrade to "Never fly coach" for year 3 in exchange for an audio file of Moynihan's Jesse Jackson impressions - especially "That mothafucker" (pardon the french)

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May 7·edited May 7Liked by Matt Welch

I don't comment very often on the non-episode posts, but I love having the Firehose wrap-up of content for the trio and friends/former guests/etc. The mailbucket posts have been really great, too--I am constantly surprised by how much I enjoy the listener email segments on the members only episodes, and so the Mailbucket posts are a nice way to add more of that content.

Congrats on two years! As with one of the emailers in the last episode, the Fifth is one of the only podcast subscriptions I have maintained since I lost my job in December. I love the show and all the extras!

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Agreed, it’s nice to see all the amazing, informative, thoughtful, and funny emails that ended up not being picked for episodes getting highlighted.

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May 7Liked by Matt Welch

Camille Paglia.

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Camille & MM would be one of the ages!

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May 7Liked by Matt Welch

Throwing out this suggestion again - Stephen L. Miller.

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May 7Liked by Matt Welch

Meg Smaker please and a TFC-hosted Unredacted screening

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Great idea!

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Viva le fifdom!

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And please come to DC or Baltimore. All of you not just the Reason(able) one

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Like Ben Dreyfuss, you lads arrive at sanity by way of utter and continued insanity - I love it.

Also: JOSH fucking BARRO.

Or, less realistically, Austrian libertarian hottie Anna Schneider.

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May 8Liked by Matt Welch

Speaking of merch, I would happily buy an official "No Step on Snek" shirt.

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There seems to be a bootleg merch store:




But just imagine the possibilities for real merch:

"Michael C. Moynihan: The Oskar Schindler of the Podcasting World (probably also screwing your wife)"

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That site looks almost as untrustworthy as the BARPod merch store.

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I have one! It is not a TFC merch shirt though.

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It better be on the Italian flag though

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May 7Liked by Matt Welch

Love you guys! Very grateful for you. Thanks for all you do!

I'll make another plug for a Kevin D. Williamson reappearance. I hear he loves talking about his experience at The Atlantic. :) Seriously, though, I think few others would be able to match wits with him as well as the three of you (and vice versa).

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May 7Liked by Matt Welch

Congratulations! I am so glad I found you after your first appearance on the Megyn Kelly show and always look forward to your regular appearances with her that are full of humor, flirting and insightful analysis that is just fun. She used to have more variety of perspectives but seems to be all in on Trump and conservative leaning guests, so you all are a breath of fresh air when you are on.

I love how you talk about raising your kids (my 3 are mostly grown and flown) but there is nothing more endearing than hearing real men talk about loving being a dad. ❤️

I wish you would promote your independent work a bit more b/c you each have unique perspectives and knowledge that are so lacking, so it would be nice to know more of what you are doing outside of the podcast. Listening to Moynihan often reminds me of Dennis Miller who would make these jokes with the most obscure references to history or whatever- but always makes be feel like I spend too much time on social media and need to pop open more books.

I second the suggestions for Bridget Phetasy, Walter Kirn and Nellie Bowles (is she as funny in person as when she writes?).

Also you are welcome anytime in Kansas City- Davey’s Stagecoach might be closed but everything is actually up to date with lots of good music, food and drink and the Royals are fun to watch this year!

Cheers to your next year!

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Completely agree with your analysis on Megyn Kelly leaning too heavily toward one side. I tried checking out her show a few times on days without The Fifth Column fellas and it just doesn't do it for me. The show seems to consist entirely of whatever the right wing culture war topic of the day is, and you always know exactly what side she and her guest are going to be on. I just find it so boring and predictable. And don't even waste your time in the Youtube comments for her show, it is a cesspool of MAGA idiots.

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Great comment! Nice to see that the MKS to TFC pipeline is working.

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I would love to get Scott Galloway on the pod.

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May 7Liked by Matt Welch

Just happily renewed my subscription. Definitely will try and make next live event in NYC. Maybe you'll have some merch to sell at that event. Guest request is Anna Kasparian who, IMO, is far from the crazy lefty many people might think she is.

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Yes, she was great on BARPOD!

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Perceptions of Ana, including my own, have changed since her recent epiphany. Here she is on 1. Blocked and Reported, and 2. A Special Place in Hell:

1. https://www.blockedandreported.org/p/episode-213-ana-kasparian-gets-mugged

2. https://aspecialplace.substack.com/p/ana-kasparian-visits-hell

I can foresee a time when she leaves The Young Turks, where I’m sure she’s well-paid, to forge her own, more independent path. That might be wishful thinking on my part. But one of my takeaways from the above appearances is what a polished broadcaster she is, particularly compared to her TYT cohost and, no offense to them, the hosts of those pods. It goes without saying, she’s also easy on the eyes.

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Thanks for these links and I agree 100% with everything you wrote above. I'm thinking if she does sit down and talk with them, we could have Moynihan/Bazelon all over again! 🤣

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May 7Liked by Matt Welch

Guest request- Graeme Wood (assuming there’s any relevant foreign policy/jihadi news to discuss

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May 7Liked by Matt Welch

Two more guest requests-

David Lowery from Cracker/Camper Van Beethoven. He listens to the Commentary podcast and founded two awesome bands so there must be something to talk about. Plus- he was on Political Beats a few years ago.

Also- Nate Silver? I don’t feel as strongly about this but I used to listen to the 538 podcast and always came away with the feeling- ‘I think he’s one of us’

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Another enthusiastic vote for Lowery. He's a good Twitter follow and very interesting now that he is a business prof at Univ. of Georgia as well as a still active musician. This documentary is a great YouTube watch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6msJ2O8HUMg

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This looks awesome. Thanks for sharing! One more thing about Lowery and the Commentary podcast that would interest Kmele. The reason I know Lowery listens is because of a Nov 1, 2023 tweet thread of his where he quotes Cormac McCarthy while talking about how many public figures are unwilling to call out Hamas’ evil. He then credits Abe Greenwald on the Commentary podcast for reminding him of the passage.

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I just finished the documentary. Thanks again for the link man. That was wonderful. Made my day

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