The Matt clips are the best!

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Absolutely thought they were exaggerating until that first clip. We gotta stan, go Matt go

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He was more inebriated than the Ben Dreyfuss episode.

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I hope that is the Matt I meet in Chicago

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With enough Malort anything is possible.

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Malort is the devil

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This is why we need Matt to drink it

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Amen. Cheers to bullying!

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He spoke for a nation

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Matt sounded *British* drunk - well done, sir. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

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I only wish there was video.

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Definitely got some "Ben Wyatt meets the media" scattered energy from those clips.

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Jun 29Liked by Matt Welch

Matt stepped on snek...

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Jun 29Liked by Matt Welch, Kmele

Yeah, I'm never unsubscribing from this.

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I have no idea what these show notes are saying, and I don't think whoever wrote them does either.

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I see what you did there.

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I think Moynihan is still drunk from last night

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Moynihan has a baseline BAC of .12, hopefully Matt didn’t try to go toe to toe with our favorite Irishman

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That makes me think of that wonderful film Another Round: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40X5EX6Us7c

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Amidst all the focus on Biden, everyone seems to have missed the biggest whiff of the night. When Trump was accused of sleeping with a porn star, he should have replied:

β€œSounds like what someone who hasn’t slept with a porn star would say.”

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On the plus side, we did get to hear the immortal line, "First off, I didn't have sex with a porn star."

I know this is overdone by now, but imagine telling someone in the days of Gush v Bore that in a quarter of a century that line would be uttered in a presidential debate.

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We are so much further along the Idiocracy timeline than anyone imagined possible.

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Ok. I'll say it. Shitfaced Matt is kind of adorable. I would let him hang around for an hour after closing while I broke down the bar.

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I’m not mean!

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You sound like a very nice and cuddly drunk. I envy you! If I could say the same...

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17 year old Matt is the guy every dad hopes their daughter brings home to dinner

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I don’t know. Did you see those pictures Matt posted of himself in fire hose #97. He kinda looked like Gary Busey’s son, Jack, whom I had the pleasure of getting shitfaced with once. He’s almost as nutty as his dad.

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Bro we grew up on Gary Busey you’re only selling it more

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Jun 29Liked by Matt Welch

Very disappointed a fifth column host would get drunk for a recording. Cancelling my subscription.

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Jun 29Liked by Matt Welch

I’m the Robert Hur of this podcast. Release the tapes from last night!

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Jun 29Liked by Matt Welch

10/10 insights from Matt. No notes.

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Jun 29Liked by Matt Welch

Oh my god. Matt. What.

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I am victimized by Heather Cox Richardson posts (via friends)on Facebook constantly. I don’t know how or why she mesmerizes people the way she does.

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Totally bizarre phenomenon. I think the responses to thar Biden one are telling. One highly rated comment was something like "I've been waiting for you to write this and say it's all ok"

I think she provides something like a nice cocoon or even womb for people who get too emotional about politics with her writing.

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Same! The gaslighting/stutter BS!!!!!

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The comments are the post are even worse than the post itself!

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Well said. Now how can we stop loons like HCR from spreading her brand of reality free unhelpful dreck?

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Give us the 542 episode!

God damn America and god damn it Matt!

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The people demand the full drunk Mattcast

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I have a feeling it would give Biden a run for his money in the incoherent rambling department

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Haven’t heard Welch that drunk in months

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Jun 29Liked by Matt Welch

Drunk Matt was channeling oh so many of us on debate night. Thank you for your service Matt.

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