
> For those new to the podcast, maybe don’t try it out in the car with the kids?

Or take your Bluetooth earbuds in the car and let your kids listen to Daniel Tiger music on the car stereo. The only downside is every two minutes they say, "Daddy, why you laughing? What's so funny?"

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I echo this x1000. During the #CovidChristmas special last December with Michael almost forced us to skip 10 years of sex ed with his Bareback in the Park references. Lucky they slept through that part.

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May 5, 2022Liked by Matt Welch

I am one of the "I don't super love Patreon" types, so want to send a quick note to remind everyone where the anti Patreon sentiment came from. Kmele mentioned Dave Rubin jumping ship, there was also Jordan Peterson at the height of his come up, as well as Sam Harris and probably a bunch of smaller content creators that all left. They did this because Patreon had broken a long standing internet norm/taboo by throwing "Sargon of Akkad" off of their platform for something he said on a different platform!! (youtube)

I know complaining of such things as the formation of the "online social surveillance archipelago" seems quaint given the tenor of the general discourse surrounding freedom or expression online in 2022. But I think it is worth remembering it hasn't been that long since online culture has turned away from John Parry Barlow style guiding principals, to this gross, flat, mediated, corporate style of interaction. (2016 ish)

Im heartened to see platforms like Substack fighting to keep the liberal flame alive online, and its great that you guys have partnered with them!

To this next chapter and adventure, Im here for it! cheers!

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May 6, 2022·edited May 6, 2022Liked by Matt Welch

The Fifth Column scheduled a major move on the fifth day of the fifth month. I don't know if that was intentional or not, but if it was, Bravo! I dig the alignment.

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May 5, 2022Liked by Matt Welch

It's here!

Who else in the Fifdom has a podcast I should be listening to? I've enjoyed discovering the Community Show, Ask A Jew, and Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em via the Fifth Column and Paloma Media.

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May 5, 2022·edited May 5, 2022

Triggernometry, The Glenn Show, Blocked & Reported, The Unspeakable, Escape From Plan A...

So many. I could go on but those are some of my favorites.

OH...and Red Scare. That one's up there.

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May 9, 2022·edited May 9, 2022

There's a bunch of good ones these days. Some of my favorites are The Dishcast, Conversations with Tyler (Cowen), Honestly (Bari Weiss), The Good Fight with Yascha Monk, Conversations with Coleman (Hughes), Red Scare, Blocked & Reported, The Reason Roundtable, whatever Paloma media has going on, and Broken Record (music podcast) are some that I listen to most/all episodes. Other ones that I listen to (depending on the guest or topic) include Origins (Lawrence Krauss), Clear & Vivid (Alan Alda - yes, he's still alive), This American Life, The Glenn Show, Radiolab, Quillette's podcast, the Lost Debate, and The Reason Interview with Nick Gillespie.

Just a recommendation for anyone brave enough to undertake this endeavor, there is a podcast recorded years ago called 'The History of Rome' (hosted by Mike Duncan). It's around 180 episodes, and details the history of Rome from Romulus and Remus to the fall of Rome. All I can say is that - when it comes to politics - there is absolutely nothing new under the sun. It's a commitment to get through the series, but it really gave me insights and perspectives on what's going on in politics today. For example, in the early ADs, you learn about how the Caesars manipulated the currency value to fund their wars and civil projects by reducing the amount of silver in the Danarius. By the time Gallienus became Caesar, only 5% silver in their coins (rather than the original 90%). Hyperinflation occurred, and chaos ensued. Sound familiar?

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I have to do a shout out for friends of the pod Blocked & Reported. Along with Andrew Sullivan’s Weekly Dish, Honestly pod, The Dispatch, The Remnant, Getting Hammered with MK Ham, Real Time with Bill Mahr (replay of the show). Also, the Reason Roundtable for more Matt Welch musings.

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We're media twins!

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Well y’all did it and finally convinced me to pay up (special shout out to Moynihan for all of his cheapskate haranguing). But for serious, enjoyed the podcast for some time and the annual discount finally pushed me over the finish line. That and the fact that this pod (along with Blocked & Reported) is one of the few places where it seems like folks haven’t absolutely lost their fucking minds. So, bravo to you, gentlemen.

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May 6, 2022Liked by Matt Welch

Eeeeekkkk! I’ve been waiting for this. Y’all finally arrived in the Mother Land.

I’m a devoted listener and proud Fifdom rep. Yet, I was also too lazy (intoxicated?) to download the Patreon app. Now my favorite pods/thinkers (shout out to my BARpod brethren) are all together in the same place like a true dysfunctional family.

I can’t wait until Thanksgiving. Welcome home, gentlemen.

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May 6, 2022Liked by Matt Welch

Betty, while being a wonderful person with substack support, has informed me I must fly coach until the comp month is over. Unacceptable.

There are at least 20 screaming babies back here.

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May 6, 2022Liked by Matt Welch

Loving the substack! Great support too. Amazing to see. Hope this is the beginning of something very special!

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Maybe you’ll actually read one of my most excellent messages.

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So excited you guys made the jump!

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Greeting. I fucking love you guys and support the fuck out of this move. However I can’t do 10 bones a month. Can I just buy my echo chamber news cable subscription package of Blocked & Reported, Reason, Persuasion, Sam Harris, Dark Horse, Common Sense, Greenwood, Taibbi, Coleman Hughes, Nancy Romm, Glenn Loury (& McWhorter) for like $40 a month?

May that probably non-existent God bless you drunken bastards. xo

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This is a good point. I was giving $5.05 to the Fifth Column over at Patreon, but I need to explain something. Though I was paying over at Patreon, all I was doing was what I did before I subscribed: Listen to the weekly podcast on my iPhone. I never once listened to any extra podcasts or read any extra material. In fact, I had to make up this new username because I have no idea what user name I used when subscribing over at Patreon (I'm glad I gave my real email address though.).

So why did I pay that $5.05 every month? Because I appreciate the podcast enough that I wanted to say thank you. I would still like to say thank you, but I can't see thanking you at the tune of $120 a year when I know I'm never going to have time to take advantage of the extras I'd be paying for. So for now I'm a freebie, waiting for a chance to pay less, even if it means I get nothing for it but your gratitude.

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And thank you for it! Substack does not allow for as many tiers, so we reckoned that we'd keep our (most popular) $10 level for extra-podcast access, bump down the price to $8.33/month for those who pay annually, then reduce the most premium tier while encouraging write-ins. All while producing more product & fun for *every* level. Our beloved Seditionists, we reckoned, might be enticed to bump up by $3.33 a month, or may for whatever reason go free, and in the process have a measurably greater experience than they were getting for $5 at Patreon--with the very important exception that they don't have that particular same way of saying Thank You. Regardless, we *hear* the Thank You, and we are happy to convert your prior generosity into making a better product for you in May 2022!

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Thanks; I do understand the limitations upon you. I'll keep an open mind about opening my wallet in the (hopefully near) future.

Somewhere I remember hearing on some podcast last year (might well have been yours) that the Substack revolution which is financially rewarding Andrew Sullivan and so many others might hit a wall, because most of us can take on only so many subscribers. Now I would take you guys over Andrew, but I might have to pick Bari over you guys (thanks, by the way, for introducing her to me). So what about having a block subscription to Independent Thinkers? I mean, I would never pay for a standalone subscription to Greenwald, but I would love to see him in a package with you three, Bari, Jesse Singal and a few other people who don't just read from the Left-Right scripts. And that kind of a package might benefit everyone (except the very biggest fish, whoever they are).

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I agree about bundling up and gotta think Substack will eventually do it, but I imagine it's quite difficult and may be the writers don't see it as more financially rewarding. Haven't paid for Fifth Column yet and was going to when they moved to Substack but price a bit high for me.

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Obvious joke if it hasn't been made:

It was a knife that identified as a gun, and your misarmoring of that poor weapon is disgusting.

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Other than the woefully misguided removal of an official, snooty-priced Never Fly Coach tier, this is an exciting new chapter.

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Would we be able to ask questions through the app or just through email?

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We will break out emails by tier in the near future, and I'll ask about the app (though I won't understand the answer).

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May 6, 2022Liked by Matt Welch

Thanks Matt. Might just go ahead pay up as the podcast is must listen.

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Who doesn’t love build your own Louis Vuitton?

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Posting my farewell Patreon post here as I am not sure how quickly you are transitioning to Substack:

It’s like standing in the empty house you’ve lived in for a long time just after moving out. Bitter sweet and a little melancholy, but hopeful with the prospect of better things to come. Job well done, gentlemen, and my heartfelt thanks for the work you’ve done and also for the work you are going to do!

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Crying a bit that there is no Android app for Substack yet... but I'll hold in there cause obviously TFC is worth it.

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The apple Substack app is still a work in progress. It's just a reader. You can't comment through it.

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Leaving a comment here in the iOS Substack app to show that it is indeed possible to comment through the app.

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Now THIS some customer service!

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I’m a bot.

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Thank god there’s a report comment function in the Substack app too

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Testing in now. Yep, it works!

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I love the app!

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I stand corrected.

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Umm- I’m commenting on the app now...

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I must be a complete dolt. I still can't find the link to buy tix for May 18th @ the Village Underground. Help me out of my dolt-ish state, anyone?? Thx!

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