Nov 8, 2022Liked by Matt Welch

The Honestly podcast on criminal justice reform that Kmele hosted was wonderful. I think Kmele’s calm but vigorous moderation style really made the difference in giving us a well argued debate. Can Kmele moderate next presidential election debate? Maybe then I won’t hate them.

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He can't moderate a debate he's participating in.


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I'd become American just to be able to cast my vote for Kmele :D

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Agreed! Did you catch the Honestly Kmele did on the Central Park Karen thing? Excellent!

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Yes! That was a great one. Def top 5 Kmele works for me. Interesting detail: If u read the media articules u see DAs office used same prosecutor for Central Park Karen as they did for H. Weinstein.

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Just cast the first Republican vote in my life for Lee Zeldin. I can report totally uncool levels of eupohoria for this transgression against my former echo chamber. But sometimes the right thing to do happens to align with Fuck Those Guys

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Matt Welch

I loved the conversation between Adam Davidson and Thomas Chatterton Williams (#373). More of that please! (I know it is annoying tough to get people who disagree to agree to talk, but it is worth the effort...especially since it is your effort, guys, and not mine!)

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by Matt Welch

Happy to see Lee Zeldin lose decisively. Single issue voters lose again, Matt.

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Matt Welch

i live in PA. Just cast a write in ballot in the Senatorial contest for None Of The Above.

I think you need to do a podcast episode from Israel. I suggest that you get Yossi Klein Halevi on. Great writer and commentator.

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Should have written in Connor Lamb, like I did. Fetterman had the opportunity to step aside for a successful moderate Dem, but declined to do so. I couldn't quite bring myself to vote for Oz, but I'm not certain Fetterman is fit for office, and I think he's made many errors of judgement related to his stroke and recovery, let alone his actual policy positions.

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i voted for Lamb in the primary but I was so pissed off at the choice, I just decided to go with none of the above. If the LP candidate hadn't been a shill for Mieses, I would have voted for him

Not far from me is a house with yard signs for Fetterman and Mastriano. I guess he hates immigrants so much, he doesn't even want people moving here from NJ.

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Charlie Cooke did a nice segment on that Revolver remaster on a recent episode of his pod.

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Can’t tell if NYT suffers from a lack of self-awareness or all too much -


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Don’t knock shoving your face in a bucket of ice

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Does anyone remember which episode it was in which Kmele (I think) did the impression of Herschel Walker talking about his badge? I’m trying to play it for my girlfriend and I cannot for the life of me find it.

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After a long and hard fought election night, I like to relax with some of my favorite R&B music.


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Head of lettuce or Trump?

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Going to be pedantic and note the incorrect use of the word sniglet. As any good GenXer would know (assuming they had cool parents) that a sniglet is a made up word from the show Not Necessarily the News. Pretty sure I still have the book somewhere. 🤦‍♀️😜

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Debating with myself if it’s worth trekking out just to petulantly & pointlessly write-in the candidates who got bounced under the new NYS ballot rules. On the other hand, am I feeling especially warm & optimistic about the LP at the moment? Not really, no.

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If Ron Paul is Nirvana, who is Courtney Love?

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Oh, Georgia. Doesn’t that race kind of say everything about our contemporary times?

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