Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022Liked by Matt Welch

I saw Chris was going to be on BookTV (I work with media for a living, folx, I’m not that deep in). Psyched for that. Yay Maher!

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Loved Kmele on A Special Place in Hell this week! I would love a long form conversation on spirituality. enjoyed the plug for David Bentley Hart. He's such a great writer! Definitely more of an agnostic. You boys are the only time I listen to the Megyn Kelly Show. Idk, I've seen a lot of debunking of James O'Keefe's work and he just seems blatantly dishonest, to the point that it disrupts his credibility, in taking anything he does seriously. Looking forward to the Maher appearance, too! Cheers to the weekend!

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If you have a decent amount of hours I recommend Alcatraz. I ended up there for 6 hours but I think most people leave after 3.

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And if you go to Alcatraz and want to spend 6 hours there, try to get in on the tour of under the prison. The lady who did our tour was amazing, and after she asked if anyone wanted to go under the prison, but told us they only take 10-12 people at a time.

Also this was Dec 2019 so not sure if Covid changed things but...

There are also naval ships and a submarine somewhere near the wharf I think, but going into the submarine and the naval ship were crazy cool. I spent about 3-5 hours there. Around the corner was an old arcade that has “games” and all kinds of old antique things people did for fun a long time ago. If you don’t want to play (it’s dirt cheap even with inflation) it is still cool to walk around. At least I found it cool because I’m in my 20s.

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Galloway and Welch are going to love each other 😂

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They’re gonna have to burn so much sage in that studio after this one.

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Michael on Megyn Kelly goes on a rant that just ends with "I hate everybody." I feel that in my bones.

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Sep 10, 2022·edited Sep 11, 2022

Matt held his own on Bill Maher.

Scott Galloway is a sanctimonious prick. Made worse by the chip on his shoulder due to CNN+ being canceled before his first show aired. If the man had his finger on the pulse of technology why did he invest his personal brand in CNN+?

Galloway is great at cascading out DNC talking points but if those points are questioned, he does the PMC smear of "othering", instead of engaging in a good faith debate. This was evident when he was preaching about Trump & GOP attempts to "steal the election" (which was awful) while being unable to acknowledge that John Podesta + HRC created Russiagate within hours of Trump winning the election in 2016. The Democrats spent the next 4 years, using arms of the US government, US intelligence agencies & prestige media to claim Trump was an "illegitimate president", who should be removed from office.

To Matt's credit, he didn't really didn't harp on this issue because both Maher & Galloway are unable to engage objectively on the matter.

The other thing about Galloway, is he is an intellectual and moral elitist. I have heard him pontificate about the crisis of young men (which is real) and say things like "they don't even believe in climate change". My response to that is; "who created a slate of beliefs these young men have to hold before they are deemed "worthy" humans"? The Democratic agenda is drenched with the religious conviction that we are all victims of white, male oppressor's. If Galloway wouldn't to alleviate the "crisis of young men", he could start by getting his Party to stop demonizing them, regardless of ideology.

Galloway's blind spots and smug demeanor, makes it very tough to engage in good faith debates, especially in a format like Maher's show.

Finally, it seems odd that Galloway's impeding departure from the USA to London was never mentioned. In July, Galloway stated that he wanted to go to a more "civil" place without guns (he said that on his pod and then tried to walk it back). Naturally London, where they arrest & jail people for mean tweets seems like a great fit for his ideals.

Matt, you did TFC proud on a tough night.

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Matt enjoyed your appearance on Real Time. Wynton Marsalis droning on with platitudes, derailing the overtime discussion and Maher just letting him go on and on was quite irritating.

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Did Kmele finally get the over-ear Sony MDR headphones like Matt and Michael? Will be boycotting the Sunday stream if this important matter is not rectified

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022

You can watch HBO here:


and C-SPAN here:


You'll need a VPN to watch HBO.

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What do those of us refusing to pay for a VPN do?

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Watch C-SPAN and not HBO.

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I guess killing those white boys probably seems like a good option if your ideology prevents you from refuting their points with reason. Also, "white boy" isn't as inclusive as "sunscreened non-recumbinant urinators".

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I'm flying out to Detroit tomorrow morning for a mini vacation. Other than catching a Tigers game, any suggestions?

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Sep 10, 2022·edited Sep 11, 2022

Detroit Institute of Arts. The mural by noted commie Diego Rivera is worth the trip in itself. Several works by van Gogh are incredible, plus Rodin and a Monet.


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Sunday morning.... treat yourself... classic bathhouse restored by a local guy, Paddy Lynch. A friend of mine took me there while it was still being restored. Now it's up and running.



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Any fifdom folks in the San Francisco area? On relatively short notice, I have to be there in September 30 for a morning meeting, and my flight doesn’t leave until the next day. What’s a good way to kill a Friday night in San Fran?

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Check out the Walgreens. I here those are popular.

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There's a Japanese restaurant that has a jazz club, Yoshi's I think. If you Uber to it, the black cat is a good jazz bar. Just depends if they're open. They got robbed. I think the guys talked about it. Fisherman's warf if you've never been. The presidio. The botanical gardens. Treasure island.

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If the giants are in town, catching a game in that stadium is pretty awesome.

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I never realized how many disasters there are in the world until listening to Scott Galloway. Maybe we can all pitch in and get him a thesaurus.

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The size difference between Matt and Scott Galloway on HBO was so startling it looked like a Lord of the Rings forced perspective trick.

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I wonder if Galloway would be a good guest on TFC or if it would just devolve. I liked him when he did his YouTube show about tech markets but he seems pretty inflexible politically.

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Probably an outlier here, but I actually love Galloway. I think the overlap in the Venn diagram where the fellas and Scott agree but from different perspectives would be awesome to hear and learn from.

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Matt Welch is the best Real Time guest. Does anyone know the number to call into Book TV?

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Real Kmele erasure here

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If Kmele was as good as we all think he was... Why does Matt keep getting invited back and Kmele doesn't? (Yes, assumptions abound.)

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I mean, definitely the racism

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Day 1 of a weeklong vacation with my in-laws. Brought along a case & a half of wine because it’s nice to have options. Now concerned that I have severely underestimated requirements.

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