When will the Kmele/Kennedy 2024 campaign be launched?
Once they’re in power, they’ll of course install their old friends as “Super Special Ambassador to All Countries with Hot Female PMs” and “Remarkable Advisor on Helping Senior Citizens Navigate the Digital World”.
A military coup by a misanthropic but dog-loving lesbian, her giant nerdy assistant, and a pack of wild furries will put a swift and brutal end to this utopia.
Thoroughly enjoyed Michael's piece on Orwell. I hope he was joking when he said he didn't miss the writing/deadline process. He still owes us a book on junk history! X
DeSantis is not a libertarian. I listened to the Reason Interview and I totally disagree that DeSantis is libertarian. Libertarianism cannot support the state making laws to suppress the views of a private company no matter how foolish the views are.
Libertarians are for the sanctity of private property. The owners of a property can say any ridiculous thing they want. DeSantis is a statist. No way is he libertarian.
I loved DeSantis's bold leadership during the pandemic. It was independent, even if not libertarian. At some point, however, a consultant told him that there weren't enough voters like me, and he would be better off using state power to wage the culture wars. He lost me, but the consultant was probably right, strictly from a numbers perspective. And, DeSantis didn't have sufficient integrity to resist.
It feels weird that if I had to rank order the announced Presidential candidates in order of my preference I'd put [checks notes]... Cornel West at the top... that can't be right.
"It is unclear if Heinerscheid, who was seen close to her ***$8million apartment near Central Park***is on paid leave from the company, but she joined in 2022 and vowed to freshen up its image."
Would love to see Moynihan play the boarding school-class background game on this one....
The leaked Tupac video is entertaining. It was hard to follow any of his thoughts. Equal parts indignant and confident, the manifesto was incoherent jibberish.
At least you would think. The crowd really seemed to get it as do the youtube commenters. These are worth reading.
It's true! I once went along to a protest (really hot person invited me) and next thing I know, I'm waking up in a bathtub full of ice with an amateurish scar where my ballot used to be.
When will the Kmele/Kennedy 2024 campaign be launched?
Once they’re in power, they’ll of course install their old friends as “Super Special Ambassador to All Countries with Hot Female PMs” and “Remarkable Advisor on Helping Senior Citizens Navigate the Digital World”.
A military coup by a misanthropic but dog-loving lesbian, her giant nerdy assistant, and a pack of wild furries will put a swift and brutal end to this utopia.
Thoroughly enjoyed Michael's piece on Orwell. I hope he was joking when he said he didn't miss the writing/deadline process. He still owes us a book on junk history! X
And a piece on what Ken Burns got wrong in his Holocaust documentary
And something about Rachel Maddow? The list goes on 🙂
And "Guilty", the book about Sacco and Vanzetti, the Rosenbergs, Mumia, etc.
Good piece of writing, Moynihan. You should do it more.
Brother Matt, Cornell West is running for president!
So when is Kennedy guesting on the pod?
DeSantis is not a libertarian. I listened to the Reason Interview and I totally disagree that DeSantis is libertarian. Libertarianism cannot support the state making laws to suppress the views of a private company no matter how foolish the views are.
Libertarians are for the sanctity of private property. The owners of a property can say any ridiculous thing they want. DeSantis is a statist. No way is he libertarian.
I loved DeSantis's bold leadership during the pandemic. It was independent, even if not libertarian. At some point, however, a consultant told him that there weren't enough voters like me, and he would be better off using state power to wage the culture wars. He lost me, but the consultant was probably right, strictly from a numbers perspective. And, DeSantis didn't have sufficient integrity to resist.
Gonna suggest two podcasts with former Fifth guests:
Coleman Hughes talking to Thomas Chatterton Williams for Wrongthink https://www.stitcher.com/show/wrongthink/episode/coleman-hughes-discusses-black-identity-post-george-floyd-304046313
And Ben Smith on Andrew Sullivan’s podcast (where Andrew goes full philosemite on the media and puts Moynihan to shame) https://andrewsullivan.substack.com/p/ben-smith-on-the-gadflies-of-new
I second that. Both very good.
It feels weird that if I had to rank order the announced Presidential candidates in order of my preference I'd put [checks notes]... Cornel West at the top... that can't be right.
Sucks that Kmele is leaving the DMV. Only fair that there is a DC-area live event before he goes.
"It is unclear if Heinerscheid, who was seen close to her ***$8million apartment near Central Park***is on paid leave from the company, but she joined in 2022 and vowed to freshen up its image."
Would love to see Moynihan play the boarding school-class background game on this one....
Long live Kennedy. Your send off was pure class.
The leaked Tupac video is entertaining. It was hard to follow any of his thoughts. Equal parts indignant and confident, the manifesto was incoherent jibberish.
At least you would think. The crowd really seemed to get it as do the youtube commenters. These are worth reading.
Okay, be honest - did MM or MW “lose” this week’s Member’s Only episode because Kmele housed seventeen gummies and wouldn’t shut up about aliens?
I stand corrected. Apologies, Kmele.
I thought the Nom-de-guerre, Casanova Brown, came from the lyrics of Camp Lo’s “Lucchini AKA This Is It”.
-Let’s skate for what this worth as we confiscate your figures. Casanova Brown levitating jiggy in dashikis.
So, you are saying Kennedy is more of a Ted Healy than Shemp Howard. I kid.
What does The Fifth think of the analysis of Libertarianism in the latest issue of The New Yorker?
Ain't read it yet! Here's the link:
Going to miss Kennedy. More than I miss Red Eye, even.
As for the weed and guns -- the *only* individual right left is to have your ballot harvested as a vote for a Democrat.
It's true! I once went along to a protest (really hot person invited me) and next thing I know, I'm waking up in a bathtub full of ice with an amateurish scar where my ballot used to be.
I say that as a resident of a state w/out a LP caring for a mentally-unwell parent in the to-be-again-solid South.