That Father’s Day episode had better get lost, because equity.

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Jun 11, 2023Liked by Matt Welch

Oh Matt, every screenshot of MM’s CNN appearance has been pure gold.

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Can you put „won comment of the week on TFC“ on your CV?

(All my friends and family are apolitical normies who don’t speak English, so I can’t even brag to them. Besides – how would I even begin to explain what the hell is going on here every week?)

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FAIR is better off without Rufo. He's not really on board with their principles. Looking at Rufo's action in Florida, he wants to use tools of state power to enforce his vision. The hard work of creating balanced DEI policies is for losers, apparently. BTW< The FAIR chapter in AZ just completed a report on DEI practices that will probably generate some interesting attention on DEI in AZ state government.

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It's really sad because the most effective technique Rufo had, in the long run at least, was exposing the crazy DEI policies in institutions and letting shame do the rest. The Florida project is not nationalizable - it will never work in Massachusetts for example - but naming and shaming can work everywhere.

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Absolutely. And that is what the FAIR report I'm referring to will be doing in AZ.

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Jun 11, 2023Liked by Matt Welch

The Ladies of Chaos had some fun with the unhinged response to the “Party of the Cancelled” story.


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Also, in that picture, Moynihan looks like he's about to release something.

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After the Mother's Day fiasco, you need a plan to combat misinformation about Father's Day.

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*They* don’t want you to hear the Father’s Day episode because they don’t want you to value fathers! They want to hide the truth from you! Big Father is controlling those few people in the media to hide the awful truth about fathers!

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Now. We. Know.

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One thing I would love to hear, is Moynihan doing a Mancunian accent à la Liam Gallagher.

Like, if he could just maybe scroll through Liam's Twitter account and read some of his tweets in that accent, it would be fucking brilliant. In particular, this tweet would be amazing:

"I don’t wish AIDS on people I turn up and play the MUSIC for the people of MANCHESTER who have just had a terror attack while you sit on your dingy sipping champagne and you got the audacity to call me a COWARD sit down you 🛎 end" - @liamgallagher

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I recent discovered that the insult “bell-end” has nothing at all to do with a normal distribution curve, as I’d previously assumed. I’m still a little disconcerted about that.

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I believe it has to do with a part of the male genitalia.

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Yeah, I was way off about that.

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Please tell me Noel Gallagher was the recipient of that tweet

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He wasn't tagged in it, but it was 100% aimed at him.

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Asking purely for research purposes. Which countries, other than Finland of course, have hot female PMs?

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Definitely Estonia.

And after all we've heard about Moynihan's tastes, he wouldn't object to Giorgia Meloni either - political differences aside.

Oh, and Eva Kaili. She might not be a PM, but she’d probably love corrupting innocent podcasters as much as she corrupted the EU parliament.

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Novák causes me confusion because she looks like a lesbian Gina Carano.

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Looks like Moynihan pulled a Toobin on CNN again

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Oooo how mad is Moynihan going to be when he finds out Rachel Maddow has a whole new podcast?!

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I am going to comment weekly requesting the deep dive episode of the 2 friends torn apart LA Times article (hopefully with the author)!

Though I don't expect anything radical to come out of such a dive given how well the audience knows this story, this is the quintessential, canonical meltdown deserving of a public episode!

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That screenshot...

Love you guys!

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I have been finding it hard to tell who is talking on your podcast. I blame my hearing since I'm white but so woke that I'm tone deaf to Black voices. So far, if I hear the word "gross" I know it's Kmele, if I hear "fuck" I know it's Moynihan, and if I hear "what is a woman" I know its Walsh. Sorry, Welch. Damn that's a nasty curse. Thanks so much for your pain.

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Is the Father's day call gonna be at 1pm EST? Trying to plan appropriately

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No, 9 pm.

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Thank you! So it on "working for the weekend"

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