Hey here is the correct link for “Hollywood Babylon—For Ugly People”.


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Thanks, Busty!

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omg I went to "Has Capitalism Killed the American Dream" and my ugly bald head appears a few times. Cool! It was a great event

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That Monbiot clip is fantastic- basically "I can't believe I had such shitty kids"

Just more hysterical, anti-human, Malthusian bullshit. Maybe Monbiot could just ask the great unwashed masses in the 3rd world if they prefer electricity and fertilizer in exchange for 1 foot of sea level rise in 2100 per the IPCC report? Nah, better to remain in the moralizing flagellate orders.

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Perhaps the ‘Bad Vegan’ interview? I started watching the documentary on Netflix, and immediately was struck by the last name Melngailis. I thought to myself, “huh, I had a professor with that last name”, and then about twenty minutes in, there he was, talking about his daughter. Hilarious dude, super self deprecating guy in a sea of pompous jackasses during my brief life interlude as a Ph.D student at the university of Maryland.

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Loved the debate between Nick and Bhaskar, but this was a prime example of why far left types do not debate: their ideas just do not stand up to questioning outside their own echo chamber. Bhaskar seems like a really cool guy though, so I hope someone bought him a beer after that one.

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After spending way too much time reading the stupid comments on YouTube quoting George Carlin and expressing sympathy for socialism, I had to come here for some sanity. There were a few commenters that were aware that Michael used to work at Reason and complained that he was biased. I replied to them that of course he is biased against socialism; it doesn't work.

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Apropos of nothing, there’s a new book by David Bernstein (of Rehabilitating Lochner book fame) called “Classified: The Untold History of Racial Classification in America” about the ridiculousness of America’s obsession over racial classification, past and present.

Sounds like a very Kmele-esque read that would be a great bonus interview episode!

From the description:

“In an increasingly diverse society with high rates of intergroup marriage, the American system of racial classification is getting even more arbitrary and absurd. With rising ethno-nationalism threatening democracy around the world, it’s also dangerous. Classified argues that the time has come to consider abolishing official racial classification and replace it with the separation of race and state.”

Classified: The Untold Story of Racial Classification in America https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09Z3894L6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_PGN8YM81WSR608C5YCC0

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We need to revive the Hollywood moniker (moniker? nickname?), this piece starts that ball rolling

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And the livestream this Sunday?

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I wish every leftist could argue their positions as well as Bhaskar. I disagree with him on almost everything, but love to hear him debate.

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Lads, it’s been almost 2 weeks since a subscriber’s dispatch was released!

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Random but listening to Bill Burrs Podcast for 06.09.2022

He includes the same day from 8yrs ago on every other episode and from the 2014 episode from this time of year he goes off on a rant for 15 minutes from 01:53:00 to 02:10:00 that literally could have been from today. I hate the cliche “cancel culture” stuff bc it’s cringy so I hate to call it a cancel culture rant, but we don’t seem to have a better vocabulary to explain this stuff yet, so I guess I’ll call it that.

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I liked Moynihan's chat with Peter McCormack, and I know he hates Brits, but there is no way you can drive from Brighton to Scotland in five hours.

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