I suspect that Josh’s recent episodes in which he fails to applaud the righteous freedom fighters of Hamas, says Israel should exist, and converses with Mossad employee Eli Lake did not help his case in the eyes of the ABC.

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This is (not quite) apropos of nothing, but since I don't know how many other Argies are lurking around here, I just wanted to let all of you magnificent bastards know that Javier Milei won the elections down here. Crazy muhfugga actually won. We got a Libertarian in the door. WTF.

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He's the dog guy right?

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He is indeed!

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Whoops, actually you're wrong. According to literally every headline on my Google News feed he is the "far-right" guy.

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Oh yes, and he's a "populist", another bad word. As opposed, I guess, to the current administration's lack of populism? You know, the party named after some guy called Perón? Yeah, not populist at all.

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An epic "fuck this shit" election result that's basically guaranteed to come with a raging hangover but damn, it'll be entertaining to watch it blow up.

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That's literally how I voted for him. I'm too old to believe in the ability of individual candidates to make difference but hell, the mere fact that he helped unseat these anti-prosperity corruptabulous clowns is a victory in itself.

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I sincerely hope it works out. But it has the emotional satisfaction reverb of 2001s debt default announcement when deputies started chanting "Ar-gen-tina!" complete with the "brace for impact" weariness of incoming catastrophic consequences. How much can he realistically get done and/or fuck up without congressional support?

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Very little, which in a convoluted way is why I think many voted for him. I mean, here's a dude saying that government should do less, winning an election with both houses dominated by his opposition. "Less" is very likely all he will be able to do, at least initially. Personally, I'm a 2-issue voter: get these guys out of government (done, sort of) and lift the insane, artificial, anti-work chokehold on the economy. Let people work and trade, let people make money AND SPEND IT, let industries import and export without bringing down draconian penalties on every single person trying to make a dime. Let us fucking breathe.

If he succeeds at that alone, I'm happy.

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Honorary Argie here, it’s the only Spanish I fully understand...Can’t be any worse than the Peronistas that keep getting elected and running the economy into the ground. Good luck and thank you in advance for your support of the USD 🇺🇸

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I see you liked my sky news article.

As soon as I heard he had quit I rememberes his recent fifth column appearance.

Josh is a big loss for the ABC, and it shows in the praise he's received from people who are usually hostile to public broadcaster. But he's much better suited to podcasts anyway.

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Matt Welch

What the fuck has Josh got against kale? FAG!

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He knows it's the Woke version of NASCAR and Coors Lite.

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Matt Welch

Consider me a paid subscriber ya Cunt!

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For one brief moment I misread it as Szeps joining the "independent pedosphere" and thought "hmm, no doubt losing a job sucks but how's that gonna help?"

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Javier Millei, anarco-capitalist / libertarian, just won the presidential runoff in Argentina. A most interesting experiment starting on December 10th. Pay attention compañeros.

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"Committed to getting problematic people out of the organization".

The epitaph for the planet Earth.

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023Liked by Matt Welch

Not sure who in the Midwest needs to know this but favorite Welch name-dropped X/Twitter feed source of joy Ricky Cobb of https://x.com/Super70sSports?s=20 Super70s Sports has a live Comedy show Weds Dec 13th at Fitzgeralds in Berwyn. I persuaded my wife to join and encourage any Chicago-based FifDom seditionsists with GenX insensibilities to join us. https://www.fitzgeraldsnightclub.com/event2/13718818/the-super-70s-sports-comedy-road-show-w-ricky-cobb-jash-karp/

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Yacht rock. Definitely yacht rock.

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Where's that Audio of the "Uncomfortable Conversations" episode. It was floating about. Since he quit, I say release the tapes.

Anyone? Anyone?

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Nov 19, 2023·edited Nov 19, 2023

I didn’t let it play through to the end, so still have it in my downloads. No idea if anyone else can access, but it still plays for me.


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You might have to go old school and just set up a tape recorder next to your phone while it plays. Bootleg forbidden episode.

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My limited knowledge of iPhones is that it is a pain to actually get and share the audio file. I am sure there are ways, but nothing I can help with.

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One easy way to clip audio on an iPhone is to do a Screen Recording. Just make sure you put on Do Not Disturb first. To share files of any type, I love Dropbox. Once you have the Dropbox app installed, long-press any file >> Share >> Dropbox. Then, once it is in Dropbox, it is simple to copy a shareable link.

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It's like when I watched the movie Crash and felt ashamed as I was dying from laughter.

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Literally, not figuratively crying from laughter. Thank you.

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Going to have to cancel my Netflix subscription to free up some money for all the podcasts I've been subscribing to recently. Good luck, Szeps!

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Sail On is such a fuckin jam. From the Mick and Keith style 2 part harmony in the verses, to the kind of weird syncopated post chorus section......and then when you thought it couldn’t get any better....here comes a sing along coda with strings, horns and a fuckin woodblock!

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Don't sleep on the pre-late-arriving-chorus key-change!

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Totally eargasmic

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Matt Welch

‘Sail On’ is playing in the grocery store right now. Swear to god. Here comes the woodblock

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Now they’re playing Call Me the Breeze. It’s a rager at Hannaford’s tonight

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Man, my local Hannafords soundtrack is much less exciting, have to go to P Chops for good grocery tunes.

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They switch it up at mine. I heard Duran Duran’s ‘Wild Boys’ a couple of months ago. The song (a total jam) was familiar but I couldn’t remember who it was and had to Shazam it. Simon Le Bon has some serious pipes! And then of course there are the roto toms.

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Oh, I was just listening to “The Chauffeur” earlier--such an amazing track. https://open.spotify.com/track/4kZOi9K2i06Syi2DiSfEqT?si=Jk6gsuLyQRyLPjGhlbH6Lw

I think the best I’ve heard at Hannafords was “Invisible Touch” but that was definitely an outlier.

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Since it seems like this story won't get read on the air at this point, I'll share it here:

In light of the recent praise for Jane Goodall, I would like to share a story that, in my mind, makes here even greater.

My wife has a PhD in animal behavior that she got studying chimpanzees. Part of her field work was done in one of the Jane Goodall sanctuaries in the Congo (the safer one, not the "Democratic" one). While she was there, Dr. Goodall came for a week to check in on the sanctuary. This was about a decade ago, so she was about 80 at the time.

Well, it turns out that Dr. Goodall is a Scotch drinker, specifically: Johnnie Walker Red, and she never travels without a bottle with her. So the first evening, she walks into the lounge area where my wife and the other researchers are hanging out and asks "Who will have a whiskey with me?"

Well of the 4 people in the room, one was a recovering alcoholic and one was an underage undergrad who couldn't recognize the appropriate time to break rules and I can't remember why the 3rd turned it down, so Dr Goodall turns to my wife and, no longer asking, says that she will have a drink with Jane. My wife, not being a dummy, of course agrees (again: not that she had much choice), and she then proceeded to share an evening Scotch with Jane every night that week.

My wife is a whiskey drinker to this day (although she eventually settled mostly on bourbon), and it's all thanks to Dr. Jane Goodall.

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Some good recent listening for those who are critical of the actions of Israel. I’ve been particularly impressed by Glenn Loury’s heterodox (among his peers) inclination regarding a ceasefire. I like the Fifth Column and I hope there’s rooms for listeners who feel that their analysis of recent events is misguided. I’m going to keep listening as I can’t pretend that this issue has been of primary concern to me before October 7th. But after revisiting my longstanding but dulled criticism of Israel with an open mind toward rethinking my views, I’ve come to the conclusion that the state continues to make mistakes on a colossal scale and that their actions as of late are absolutely not in their best interest.






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